The PCPS Pop Quiz Challenge

In this episode you get a front row seat to a throw down that will test our knowledge on the very subject we aim to preserve -- cultural nuggets from the Gen X era! -- in our first round of the Pop Culture Preservation Society Pop Quiz Challenge. Kristin quizzes Carolyn and Michelle on the TV, movies, sports, and news stories of the 70s and 80s and along the way we'll learn some unintended facts; like the (as yet unverified) real cause of Elvis Presley's death and where we all were when we learned the Space Shuttle Challenger had exploded. It's a completely unplanned conversation which is a huge departure for these podcast hosts who love to come to the mic fully researched. Stay tuned because the loser of this round will be the star of a forthcoming karaoke disaster, we mean, video.


Crushology 101: Your First Crush Explained


Mary, Maude & Marlo (and the woman who gave them life)