Mary, Maude & Marlo (and the woman who gave them life)

We are thrilled and honored to be talking to the trailblazing woman who wrote for some of the most iconic shows of the 70s and 80s, Susan Silver. Join us as Susan, the first female writer for The Mary Tyler Moore Show who opened the door for over 20 female writers after her, regales us with her start in the business, shares some juicy behind-the-scenes nuggets about the MTM episodes she wrote, and begs us to find her a husband! We’re also talking about the strong women in TV we grew up admiring and who became role models for we GenXers…thanks in huge part to this legendary woman.

Susan’s juicy memoir, Hot Pants in Hollywood: Sex, Secrets and Sitcoms, is available now wherever you get books. Amazon and

Mary, Maude & Marlo (and the woman who gave them life)
The Pop Culture Preservationists

The PCPS Pop Quiz Challenge


Fonzie Loves Pinky