Kramer vs Kramer: The Adult Movie for GenX Kids

Kramer vs. Kramer, the divorce drama starring Dustin Hoffman and a young Meryl Streep, opened on December 19, 1979 and quickly became more than a movie; it was, according to Vanity Fair, a cultural benchmark, a snapshot of the fractured American family. If statistics hold true, that applies to roughly half of you. Even if your parents were married in 1979, it's possible you learned about divorce when more and more of your friends and classmates lived with their single moms. We Gen Xers were the first kids of divorce and no one had a rule book. Today we'll talk about what this very adult movie meant to kids like us and how the making of the movie may have been as traumatic as divorce itself. We'll dish about the acting, the acrimony, and the Oscars; Kramer vs. Kramer gave Meryl Streep her first Oscar but were it not for some twists of fate, this role may have had a more "angelic" presence (wink wink). Listen today for the dirt, the discussion and the discoveries.

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GenX = Generation Divorce with author Priscilla Gilman


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