Benji: GenX’s Top Dog

Kristin Nilsen 0:01

Did you know that the pop culture Preservation Society is on Patreon? Patreon allows you to support our work by becoming dues paying members of our society. We are an independent women run endeavor with a commitment to delivering the highest quality listening experience to our community. And so we've taught ourselves how to record edit and produce a podcast in midlife, a time when most of us are asking our kids how to reprogram a tick tock so that we can deliver episodes that truly speak to you. Support from PCPs patrons means that we can devote more of our time and resources to the content sources, equipment, software hosting and research that you've come to depend on without worrying about how to pay the bills. So thank you. We appreciate you. From the bottom of our bell bottom tarts. Mitch turns around and kicks Tiffany. Like he's kicking a field goal. She goes flying and she lands with a thud on the floor lifeless and I am scarred. She looks like a feather duster on the ground.

Carolyn Cochrane 1:08

And no sound like we're saying come on get the dog and this one will make you

Michelle Newman 1:24

we had a welcome to the pop culture Preservation Society. The podcast for people born in the big wheel generation who knew for certain that one of these two things would end them kidnapping or quicksand.

Carolyn Cochrane 1:38

We believe our Gen X childhoods gave us unforgettable songs, stories, characters and images. And if we don't talk about them, they'll disappear like Marshall will and Holly on a routine expedition.

Kristin Nilsen 1:50

And today we'll be saving the movie that tried to soften our fear of being kidnapped by introducing us to a cute, scruffy little dog. Benji.

Carolyn Cochrane 1:58

I'm Carolyn.

Kristin Nilsen 1:59

I'm Kristen. And

Michelle Newman 2:01

I'm Michelle. And we are your pop culture preservationists.

Speaker 1 2:04

His theme song as I feel love. It's won a Golden Globe and an Academy Award nomination. Critics across the country are saying he should win an Academy Award himself for his outstanding acting performance in his first full length motion picture. And audiences everywhere are calling him America's new Most Huggable hero. I feel loved

Michelle Newman 2:36

I can feel it. In 1974, a movie came along that would affect me in a way that I'm not sure another movie did for many years. I loved it. I was terrified by it. And I watched it not only in the theater at age five, but every time it aired on television. Today 50 years later, I still love it. And I'm still terrified by it. No matter how cute that dog is. The movie, of course is Benji Benji was written, produced and directed by Joe camp. Way to commit to the project Joe? Yeah. And is the first in a series of five films about the golden bedraggled dog named Benji, who tried it and sniffed his way into so many of our little Gen X hearts. The film grossed $45 million on a budget of $500,000. Less than that 1974

Kristin Nilsen 3:30

Wait, tell me again,

Michelle Newman 3:31

how much the film grossed $45 million on 1974. And it had a budget of 500,000 Oh 1000. They had 1000? Like half a million? Yes. Didn't do that math real? Wow.

Carolyn Cochrane 3:45

That's a little bit of profit, but good return on investment. The Roi.

Kristin Nilsen 3:49

Roi was really good. Look, I

Michelle Newman 3:52

should like teach economics. Here's an interesting fact. The movie was turned down by every studio in Hollywood, Joe camp had to form his own film company to distribute the film worldwide. Again, why mitting to this project, believing in it committing to

Kristin Nilsen 4:13

and this is not it's so interesting that fact because it's a movie about a little dog and and some kidnappers. And it's not like Schindler's List. It's not it wasn't somebody who had like, a message to spread or a story that would change people's lives. It's about a puppy.

Carolyn Cochrane 4:33

Well, exactly.

Michelle Newman 4:34

But the movie poster does proclaim that Benji is the most talked about highly acclaimed family picture of our time, maybe of all time.

Speaker 1 4:48

The most talked about highly acclaimed family picture of our time, maybe of all time.

Michelle Newman 4:55

What are some big words to live up to your right Come and talk

Carolyn Cochrane 5:00

about a passion project I mean to me that is what the sounds like with what he was willing to do start his own production company and you know basically be a door to door salesman to get it distributed and all that.

Michelle Newman 5:12

Well, I want to ask you guys what are your memories of this movie isn't gonna? Just the gags

Kristin Nilsen 5:18

that is an image those children with the gags pulling their mouths? That's a horrible image for a child

Carolyn Cochrane 5:27

it is and what is it about the gag? I just want a timeout about gags in general. Okay, not just in this movie, but that was always a thing like when I got kidnapped in the 70s. And really,

Michelle Newman 5:37

it's not I mean, you can still like scream, scream. Really? Like I calculate your word. huh? Uh huh.

Carolyn Cochrane 5:49

That was an effective tool. I can see you know, our hands are tied, but I just don't understand the gag. thing

Michelle Newman 5:57

like when you've seen where they like tape their mouths shut. That's terrifying. Yeah. But the gag is but however, do like chicken or egg here question. Is it because of Benji or did that come after that when we all imagined being kidnapped? We imagined the gag is because of Benji I was only five so I probably wasn't having like visions of kids being kidnapped before Benji it just sort of

Carolyn Cochrane 6:23

for Benji, but I think in the 70s You know, I think we would have seen Charlie's Angels if they got kidnapped. Oh Ha ha. It's just like the classic whatever you call that, like it's a

Kristin Nilsen 6:35

trope. It's a trope to kidnap children. I definitely saw it in the theater with neighborhood kids and with a bunch of moms and things like that. And then of course on TV multiple times. Oh, I had both the novelization from scholastic books. Also had the record.

Michelle Newman 6:52

Carolyn, you are older a little bit older than Kristen. I was a little bit older still love it.

Carolyn Cochrane 6:57

I would have seen it in for our Houston listeners in Meyerland. And I'm sure my sister probably would have gone to I was trying to gauge the ages. Do you think that she was there? And it was such an event when we went to the movies too? Oh, yes.

Michelle Newman 7:11

I do know Kristen. Like you. I had all the Benji stuff. Like I had the album too. Well, this movie is jam packed with stars, which we'll also get to in a minute. There is only one that really matters, right?

Carolyn Cochrane 7:24

This is true. Let's talk about the star of that movie. Okay, and first thing for all of our listeners to know, his character's name was Benji but Benji was played by the actor Higgins, this came

Kristin Nilsen 7:37

to my heart I have to tell you this when when I learned of this fact when I was like nine I was like no, no.

Carolyn Cochrane 7:44

But yet that is his name. And he first came to national attention as sadly the uncredited dog who played the character of dog and with a capital D. on the television sitcom Petticoat Junction. No Wally was in that show six of the seven seasons of the show, appearing in 149 episodes. But as we know, his role as Benji is really what catapulted him to celebrity status. Okay. I mean, we have a cover dog. He is on the cover of dynamite. He is a guest judge on Dance Fever. Okay. I mean, he's really hit the big time he is now. I mean, honestly, if you showed his headshot to anybody, our age, he would be. He would we would know who he was though, right?

Kristin Nilsen 8:36

Yes. 100%. So he

Carolyn Cochrane 8:38

was discovered in 1960 by an animal trainer, famed in Hollywood named Frank in he was found at the Burbank animal shelter as a puppy. Okay, this isn't some some little dog that was trained from birth. He is like A True Underdog Story.

Michelle Newman 8:55

Excuse me. Who was it that was discovered at the corner? Lana Turner? Yes.

Carolyn Cochrane 9:03

This is a great story. He was believed to be a mix of miniature poodle, cocker spaniel and schnauzer. He was actually get this 16 When he filmed Benji,

Michelle Newman 9:15

I'm doing the math on that makes me sad, because

Kristin Nilsen 9:19

I can't believe he was that old. I know

Carolyn Cochrane 9:22

when he was doing all that all those stuffed ons. He did not have a stunt double ladies and gentlemen, that was

Michelle Newman 9:30

cry hit a run so fast and so long, that the puncture wound probably on his underbelly. And

Carolyn Cochrane 9:39

we'll get into this later too. But we have all these physical things that Benji does, but let's not forget, I mean, he has some expressions. We talked about the expressions in the faces of actors that they don't have to say anything. And obviously, he doesn't say anything. His expression you know, the emotions he is feeling on his face. He's another level he's he's way above Lassie. He deserves the stardom that came his way.

Speaker 2 10:05

God movie. Oh no, it's not a dog maybe it's that dog has the emotions. That dog is fantastic. I don't

Carolyn Cochrane 10:15

know if this was for all of the movies after the original but the follow arm the actor slash actress that took that rollover was Ben gene B NJEAN. Who was Higgins

Michelle Newman 10:30


Carolyn Cochrane 10:31

Oh from Politico que and yes and so she if you pay close attention, Benji you kind of see his male hood in some of the scenes a male dog

Michelle Newman 10:43


Kristin Nilsen 10:46

trying to make this okay call the penis

Carolyn Cochrane 10:48

listening with that's true penis when we

Michelle Newman 10:51

were little my sister and I would call dot little dog penises lipsticks

Carolyn Cochrane 10:57

but Benji's was not a little dog penis he Yeah, he was wheeling down in some scenes when he especially slow motion going so a close watcher of the following video the following Benji's did not have that genitalia because that because Ben Jean Ben

Kristin Nilsen 11:27

daughter I feel better though that it was his daughter even though the genitalia doesn't match. I'm still happy that it was yeah, I'm gonna

Michelle Newman 11:34

look I'm gonna pull up that dynamite cover a Christian if you find yours. Yeah, and we're going to you we would be able to tell because they look

Carolyn Cochrane 11:43

is a little different. Yes, there's a little different coloring and then around the nose. Yeah.

Michelle Newman 11:50

Everybody Christian's looking through her stack of dynamites that thank you does

Carolyn Cochrane 11:53

it show is his pain doesn't show his pain. Okay, so I might have a hard time but it does have his

the ball

Unknown Speaker 12:12

on the dog penis.

Michelle Newman 12:13

I don't know. We digress. So the three of us just watched Benji again. Maybe the first time as adults I think. Yeah. And if you know you saw it but aren't quite sure you remember it all except of course for those gags and that horrific kick that still live in your brains. Well grab a snack everyone because we are about to save it for you. It's what we do. You're welcome

we start with a pan of the house that has lived in our nightmares since 1974 Slash 75 and see Benji pop his head out of a broken window with dangerously sharp glass and then hop out surprisingly free of gashes and blood although now a few puncture wounds right well underbelly are on his manhood maybe the Grammy winning theme song I feel love plagues and is feeling good.

Unknown Speaker 13:30

Everywhere I go.

Michelle Newman 13:38

Recorded by the Country Music musician Charlie rich. I feel love won a Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song in 1975. It also received an Oscar nomination for best original songs.

Kristin Nilsen 13:52

By the end of the movie. I love this song. Oh, I really love it. It's also 70s It's very Charlie rich. Yes,

Carolyn Cochrane 14:01

for sure.

Michelle Newman 14:02

Well, then we get the first of many law montages of Benji trotting and sniffing his way through neighborhoods and a very 1974 town.

Carolyn Cochrane 14:12

I mean, that whole montage it tells a whole story.

Kristin Nilsen 14:16

I think it's worth mentioning that when we are introduced to Benji in this long montage where he's trotting around the neighborhoods and trotting through the downtown. This is all filmed on location primarily in McKinney, Texas, as it was in 1974.

Michelle Newman 14:32

So Benji's sniffing and trotting and sniffing and trotting at the stately white mansion, which really that house is as iconic and memorable as Benji's haunted house to me the turret house and then how it's kind of set back between like this hedge of trees. If that's actually a house in make in McKinney, Texas, where

Kristin Nilsen 14:53

it is I ended, I watched your YouTube video on it, pull up

Michelle Newman 14:57

Delta, and let's try to figure out how to get there. cuz now that I live in Denver I visited like the Mork and Mindy house in Boulder and it's pretty exciting to go and see these houses that have lived in your minds forever. I need to I need to go see this Benji house. Well, Benji arrives and he runs up the back stairs and he scratches and pause at the back door. And now I don't know a full 10 minutes 1530 180 Because we finally meet Mary and the kids and learn that Benji is a free ranging just a free spirit dog likes to take his breakfast at the home of Dr. Chapman, his kids Paul and Cindy and their housekeeper slash nanny. Mary. You're late this morning.

Carolyn Cochrane 15:37

You almost missed the kids.

Michelle Newman 15:40

Now let's pause for just a minute for this Slightly depressing fact, in my memory. She's an old grandmotherly type woman. You guys Patsy Garrett, the actress who plays Mary was 52 when they found this like a lie now there's tears if you're new to this, we are older all three years or older than 52 by several plus years. So what about you guys in your memory? Oh, she's she was the source or, like the sweetest I loved her voice when she started speaking again. When I was just watching it. I was like, yes, that voice has lived in my head. What were your first what are your memories? Like my memories of Paul and Cindy? And like, you know, I've said many times I was always so taken by small children in movies and and television shows. So I adored Cindy, do you guys have memories of the children?

Kristin Nilsen 16:35

I thought I felt very much that Cindy was my twin. I thought we were like the same person. I'm sure I had some of those outfits. She has these little dresses with these giant Peter Pan collars like an oversized peter pan collar and then the dog eared pigtails, whatever he or she has the high ponytails with ribbons in them. We had the same color palette. We had the same outfits. I think I identified with her hard really hard I have no memories of Paul.

Michelle Newman 17:03

Well, he's a little unforgettable in the movie less views. Yeah.

Carolyn Cochrane 17:05

A little forgettable. You mean? Yeah. Sorry.

Michelle Newman 17:10

Yeah. And it's established that Paul and Cindy desperately want to keep Benji as their dog. But Mary knows that their father, who she makes clear to us is a fine kind man several times several times won't allow it. Now. I've seen there's many scenes that stick with me, but the scene where she feeds Benji under the under the table in her lap, I about started crying the other night when I saw them familiar. It's so freakish, and you can see him kind of going. Yeah.

Kristin Nilsen 17:39

And the reason that he's under the table is because the data is coming in. And they don't want him to know that Benji is in the house. And so they put, they put the dog in her lap and they cover him with the tablecloth. And then they gate take the food bowl because they feed him in the morning they take the food bowl and put it under the table. And that's where you hear that little laughing sound. And they pretend when the dad comes in that there's no dog under my lap don't Well Don't look.

Michelle Newman 18:00

And it's established also very quickly that Mary is you know, she's in cahoots with the kids. She also fibs to Dr. Chapman, the fine kind of man. Because even though he's her boss, basically, I love that she plays along with kids. It's her snack, oh, she's

Kristin Nilsen 18:19

the dog who does her snack.

Carolyn Cochrane 18:21

This is really to me the first time where there's some suspense, like we are kind of like is the dad going to know and what's going to happen? So and those suspenseful moments are throughout the movie, but this was the first one where you're kind of on the edge of your seat.

Michelle Newman 18:36

And isn't it interesting too, that because of that, Carolyn, you know, sometimes you you see and he's tall, he's imposing doubt right? He comes in we could be scared like, oh God Is he gonna get mad at them and Joe camp who wrote the movie put us at ease immediately by having Mary has already told us he's a fine kind man. And it's like the writer didn't want to scare us by complainer But that begs the question exactly. begs the question what he was thinking you know, about 30 minutes later, so

Kristin Nilsen 19:06

it's almost like he has to establish that this isn't the villain right? Call me I bet this is not the villain otherwise that could be setting up our story that they want to keep the dog and the dad is the villain and says no,

Michelle Newman 19:17

right. Yeah, well, because that's I think what like Carolyn was saying like we might have all expected so the kids go to school and Benji heads out, Q trotting theme, which is always an instrumental version of I feel in a different way you're gonna hear it and a lot of different tempos coming out much like the Brady Bunch of things are gonna play. And we get another like, I don't know 59 minute montage of Benji trotting and sniffing a lot. This time. We get to learn about Benji, and he is we get to see all the places he regularly visits. And I say regularly because we will see him take this exact route about 14 more times do seeing the movie and the first stop is where he messes. It seems daily with a white cat and it's old lady owner who loves to gripe at him. Stop

Speaker 3 20:10

stuffing your read my sweetie PD alone. Oh, you primitive uncultured?

Carolyn Cochrane 20:19

Well, you can only imagine what little Carolyn did in the movie theater. Oh my gosh.

Michelle Newman 20:24

It's the MP

Carolyn Cochrane 20:28

MP from Andy Griffith and Mayberry RFD Her name is actually Frances Bobby I'm going to say so Bab I er. She's credited as kind of lady with cat I don't even think you should never named one of our followers

Michelle Newman 20:43

actually told us that this was her last film appearance. Yeah.

Carolyn Cochrane 20:50

She retired after that to North Carolina by the way, and we quickly learned she's a nice like, she's like yelling at Benji stop chasing my cat.

Michelle Newman 20:58

Well, then Minjae moves on to the park where he meets up with his good officer friend. Yeah,

Kristin Nilsen 21:03

what his next regular stop is in the park, where he meets with a police officer who was played by the actor, Terry Carter. I don't know if he has a name in the movie. I'm not exactly sure. I only just as an officer, I don't

Carolyn Cochrane 21:15

think a lot of people actually have named him Officer Friendly.

Kristin Nilsen 21:19

His name is Officer Friendly and he calls Benji Butch. So this actor Terry Carter is best known for his role as Colonel Tighe, I hope I'm saying that please. Nobody asked me. I didn't watch Battlestar Galactica. But he's Colonel turn on Battlestar Galactica. And he was originally cast as Lieutenant Boomer on Battlestar Galactica. And this seems like why do we care, Kristen, but he was cut from that role following a roller skating accident. I love that that fractured his ankle, so they had to replace him. And they instead offered him the role of Colonel Turner, and who was the second in command on the fleet of starships. And this was notable because it gave the series Battlestar Galactica the distinction of having more than one regular African American character in the principal cast.

Michelle Newman 22:09

Wait, why? Why did he have to get recast? Why does the first officer do like

Carolyn Cochrane 22:14

a lot more action? You know, he and Dirk Benedict are out like I don't know what they're doing. I love Dirk Benedict by the way, but I think they're in a lot more scenes and maybe a little more action where I but I need one thing that is behind like

Kristin Nilsen 22:25

like when use this is AP

Michelle Newman 22:28

is shit.

Carolyn Cochrane 22:29

Yeah, I think Yeah. Behind like the big sword.

Kristin Nilsen 22:32

Those the soundboard.

Michelle Newman 22:36

Fans are just like

Kristin Nilsen 22:39

we were watching Hardy Boys. Sorry. Then

Michelle Newman 22:42

Benji trots off to Bill's diner where he gets a bone from my Great Uncle Phil Chu, or bill or bill. Could be my great uncle fit you. I'm not sure. Who calls Benji Sam.

Carolyn Cochrane 22:53

He indeed does. But it's not your great uncle fits you. It's no, no It's Uncle Joe Carson from Petticoat Junction junction.

Michelle Newman 23:02

Oh my god. So they already had a cute relationship.

Carolyn Cochrane 23:06

Yes, they did. So this is Edgar Buchanan is the actor. And they didn't just have a relationship. Okay, Higgins and Edgar had a very close rapport. Because every cast a picture that was taken throughout the series Petticoat Junction, Buchanan is shown holding or petting Higgins, they are very, very close. So it was almost like a natural probably to ask Edgar Buchanan to be in this role. One of the facts that I read was you'll notice they just kind of have a little dialogue. I mean, it's just this little comfort and will not dialogue, obviously, but one a lot doing anything. They're just kind of chatting a little bit and he gives him the bone. It's just such a cute moment. And when you learn about their relationship from Petticoat Junction, it's kind of like a last together for that.

Kristin Nilsen 23:56

And they are he probably wasn't acting he's like your own boy. Yeah, right.

Unknown Speaker 23:59

Yeah, exactly. And

Carolyn Cochrane 24:00

they both aren't with us that much longer either. After the movie, I feel

Michelle Newman 24:04

like we should insert the sad instrumental I feel of after that.

Well, Benji's next regular stop is a garbage can in the park. And then He sniffs and trots his way back to his haunted house. And honestly, we just get a good feel that Benji is living his best life. And so far, we're just along for the ride, right? That's about to take a hard turn, everyone. Enter the bumbling burglars bump my mom or don't enter because they literally cannot break in. Honestly, before we even see them. We know they're basically Theodore and Amos from the Apple Dumpling gang. Which fun fact was also my favorite movie at the time. But The bumbling burglars are accompanied by lender who right away gives off a sweet. I'm not a bad person. I'm not a kidnapper. I'm not a killer vibe, doesn't she?

Kristin Nilsen 25:07

She does. And you're right at the door is this bunch of wannabe criminals that are across between, like you said the Apple Dumpling gang and Scooby Doo. They're basically Fred Daphne and Shaggy, Shaggy. They're actually Riley Henry and Linda Sue, and they are here to scope out the haunted places a headquarters for their wrongdoings. So the shaggy character is named Riley and he's played by a man named Tom Lester, who is the farmhand on Green Acres. And what also frequently appear on wait for it petticoat.

Michelle Newman 25:43

It's like a reunion is a

Kristin Nilsen 25:45


Carolyn Cochrane 25:46

What has he been in? What has she been out so

Kristin Nilsen 25:48

and so not just Green Acres and Petticoat Junction, but also Beverly Hillbillies to basically any show where you needed a southern accent? Tom Lester was there for you, you will recognize his voice right away. He also incidentally, he's like the southern Shaggy. He also incidentally, went to Hollywood to pursue acting because the Lord told him to and he was a literal evangelist like he traveled the country speaking at revivals trying to literally evangelize people like this is where we get the word right. So the Fred character is named Henry and he's played by Christopher Conley best known for his role on Peyton Place with Ryan O'Neal. And He parlayed that role into a starring role on the TV version of Paper Moon. Remember the Oscar winning movie with Ryan O'Neal and testimonial but instead of Ryan O'Neal and testimonial the TV show starred this dude and a young Jodie Foster. So the Daphne character is Linda Sue and she's played by Deborah Wally who was a veteran of beach movies and Gidget movies. And when she was in Benji, that's sort of seen as the decline of her movie career. And I swear to God, she looks all of 21 I just have to point out her 70s style is on point. Yes, she has the bell bottoms. She has the blouse tied up under her bow Yeah, that like Pinky Tuscadero style, and she has a tooled leather purse that will figure prominently in the fly. And all of these people we learn work for. Mitch, don't don't

Michelle Newman 27:19

We don't know who Mitch is. But Benji is watching all of this very skeptically. Oh, Benji, just underneath notes. And you can see like Carolyn said earlier, you can almost see the wheels turning and benches head right then like Benji knows, like, I don't know what they're up to.

Carolyn Cochrane 27:34

But it's not I don't like it.

Kristin Nilsen 27:35

And he's hiding like under this like behind this little bench and you can just see like, it's like his reasoning. Literally leaning into it literally, literally. Yesterday,

Michelle Newman 27:43

Benji has his little place he's hiding. And one of the guys sets down a bag of groceries. And after they leave, Benji steals the pudding can man who skirted the putt and can do that, again, like Benji hiding under the table on Mary's lap. It's all of five seconds. And it is one of my favorite, most memorable parts in this movie that putting can it's gonna come back in a minute. Yes. But yes, I loved it. And it's so 74 Isn't it? It's 74. So we're gonna cut to the next day and the kids and Mary are on the back steps of the mansion. This is when we learn why the dad won't let them keep Benji, his brother had been bitten by a stray dog as a child and almost died. I think that's brilliant writing Joe Campbell. Could have been a million other things that is the most obscure and probably original reason right for him not letting them keep that

Kristin Nilsen 28:36

I have allergies. The shedding it's too hard to keep up with the dog. We don't have time to pay attention to so many.

Carolyn Cochrane 28:43

We could die. I mean, this is like yeah, that's a dog sleep. Basically he

Michelle Newman 28:47

tells him stray dogs carry germs. Yeah. Well, the kids are so sad. And so then Benji trots off on yet another tour of the town. He goes snipping and trotting past all the neighbors, but this time when he gets to his final stop the trash can. There's another dog there.

Carolyn Cochrane 29:03

It's a tiny mangy dirty white dog. Eating trash, like eating trash like this is even elevating. This is just dog from the streets, just trying to get the scraps that she can. And she kind of growls they basically have this conversation back and forth in barks I would like to point out that this entire movie, we don't have any that cheesy voiceover narration of these dogs like oh, there's a foxy girl eating, getting trashed or whatever.

Kristin Nilsen 29:37

No CGI mouth movie.

Carolyn Cochrane 29:39

We need that. I mean, now they do that we don't need that. We that's how wonderful of an actor,

Michelle Newman 29:46

Stellar xpreshan expressions. Yes,

Carolyn Cochrane 29:50

exactly. And the music. I think the music is done beautifully. It helps tell the story. We don't need words. Again, this masterful job Bob will make he says

Michelle Newman 30:01

he said here's the score to I feel love he says to the music director of here's the score. I want you to come up with 14 different I think

Carolyn Cochrane 30:08

the music director and the composer of the song. I think they're all the same. I thought that was big but Joe can you could tell this wasn't like happy barking like, Oh, you're cute. How are you? It was like doing

Kristin Nilsen 30:21

like garbage cans. Yeah. Because

Michelle Newman 30:23

it should be known that at first it's not right. No, she's very possessive of her trash. And she's like to eat

Carolyn Cochrane 30:35

my food. totally nuts. Not. Can you imagine if we

Kristin Nilsen 30:38

both have some trash?

Michelle Newman 30:40

No, I got this bone

Carolyn Cochrane 30:48

so eventually, we kind of tell like he's not gonna put up with it yet. He's gonna try to make nice. So he goes over and eventually he shares his bone that he got from Yes, Uncle fits you equal Joe. Yeah, whatever. After they've kind of made made good, and they're kind of friendly. He is going to take her to meet Mary. And so here, you know que that kind of Bajpayee kind of country. devint is definitely seven days by.

Michelle Newman 31:18

So Benji takes Tiffany. He's so proud of her. I think he wants to show her off. But I also think Benji knows like, she's kind of rough Mary, could you maybe like help her and Mary says, I don't have time for this, but you know what? I do. And she she gives her a little bath left her up, and she named her Tiffany.

Carolyn Cochrane 31:35

I'd like to think that Benji was attracted to her before she looked beautiful. And he was showing her off. Yeah, and then yeah, the bone. wanting her to meet the fam like meet all the important people in his life, including Mary, Mary names are Tiffany. And now we're going to just elevate this relationship through a romantic song playing under this beautiful montage

that classic again, 70s Montage. Much like Fonzie and pinky, where it's slow motion is

Michelle Newman 32:18

the same. The dogs are bounded.

Carolyn Cochrane 32:20

The dogs are bounding or impose penis right now is you know just portray whatever the flapping in the breeze but

Michelle Newman 32:30

you're getting super imposed close ups up their faces and they're barking at each other. It's like slomo

Carolyn Cochrane 32:37

kind of rolling in the ground together. And they might look each other's faces here and there. And it works. We are invested. We are

Kristin Nilsen 32:46

falling in love. Of course. Yeah.

Michelle Newman 32:48

So how to end this perfect date. Your take her back to your haunted house and give her a dinner of a pudding cup. Of course.

Kristin Nilsen 32:55

There's so much splitting. Okay, so then, while they're eating their pudding cup, don't don't dumb. The wanna be criminals come back. And so quickly. Benji leads his new lover behind the bench. She's like, hide here with me. And the shaggy character Riley. He comes in. He does not like this creepy house. And it is his primary job in the movie to complain about the creepy house. I don't like this place. There are ghosts here. And he's also the first one to say, Hey, where's the pudding cup? Well, we know Benji and Tiffany ate the pudding cup for their first date. But shaggy thinks it's a ghost. And he's like Xilinx. And so he's like, let's get out of here. Right. But wait, Mitch is coming to check out the place. So we meet Mitch for the first time. And the mystery of the pudding cup continues. While they decide where in the house they'll quote unquote, set up. We talk about setting up constantly and we still don't know what they're setting up. No or no. And it's also worth noting that Linda Sue is not wearing a bra.

Michelle Newman 34:04

We said that, oh my god.

Kristin Nilsen 34:08

Just to point out how common it was for women to walk around brawls. We didn't think anything of it except my grandma. I mean, she's my aunt for not wearing a bra and I was like, I don't understand why your grandma didn't

Michelle Newman 34:24

see her nipples poking out from under him.

Kristin Nilsen 34:26

My grandma was just so mortified at my aunt who was her daughter walking around without a bra and I and I couldn't follow the conversation. Like I didn't even know how she could identify that she wasn't wearing a bra cut. So they just looked like boobs to me, which also shows you how often I saw boobs just swinging in the breeze, I think.

Carolyn Cochrane 34:42

Yeah, we all did in the 70s when it's rated G movie. It's not like this is you know, someone's going oh,

Kristin Nilsen 34:48

look at the boobs. No one was looking at the boobs at all. Nobody cared. But once again, Benji is taking notes, but this time Oh with a sidekick with Tip Honey, they're both they're watching and you can see their eyes moving back and forth and they're listening about the setting up and where they're going to set up. So Mitch approves of the haunted house for setting up and he does something creepy to Linda that shows that they're definitely lovers. I can't remember what it was. And then they all go back to the city. And after they leave, we see that Benji and Tiffany are officially sleeping together.

Michelle Newman 35:21

Also, when they're talking and you see Benji watching, watching, Tiffany looks a little clueless. But you also get a very distinct impression that Benji already has protecting her. Yes, I did. Yeah, I probably didn't actually know that's not true. I think I always got that. I think I always knew Benji was going to protect her for sure. It's very sweet. Yeah. Well, back at the Victorian mansion with the turret. Little Cindy is begging her dad to keep Benji but he's not hearing it. Benji has germs like we said, guys, Cindy is crying but silly is not just crying. Cindy is like Academy Award winning cry. Yes. As this little scene of her crying and talking through her tears or any kind of dog you want to build a fence in the backyard.

Unknown Speaker 36:11

We know what any kind of dog we would like to wait for.

Michelle Newman 36:17

It's really like stand up and give a standard

Carolyn Cochrane 36:19

it was it was a smell an onion and we'll spray a spray bottle on your face

Kristin Nilsen 36:24

and it will break your heart and there was one line in particular that you know when you get punched in the face. It's like who Skardu bless punched in the face. And there's one line where her dad is saying he could be infested with germs and full of disease and she's crying and she says, But daddy, he's not. I know. And that must have been on the record. That line must have been on there. I just got nipples right now. Because I remember

Michelle Newman 36:51

wearing a bra so daddy's not well. No. And this is the scene when she's in the bell bottoms with a little right. Yes. And yes. So cute. You guys, and it's so she can crash. This is why Paul is a little unforgettable. Yeah. Because he's like, Yeah, I'm

Kristin Nilsen 37:09

sad too. He's,

Michelle Newman 37:10

I'm just gonna say it. He's not the best child actor and he reads his lines, but she acts she's becomes this little girl who desperately wants this dog. Well, things like I feel like there should be some ominous music right now. Because back at the haunted house, Theodore and Amos, you know, Shaggy and Riley and Henry Apple Dumpling gang. They're writing a ransom note. This was the first time we realized they intend to kidnap someone we still don't know yet who. But you guys are writing a ransom note on like this thick purple stationery with like a floral pattern. I swear they have a giant stack of nice stationery on the little desk. I mean, ransom notes. I thought were like, you know, torn out of magazines like cut this or they're cutting this letter and whatever, legal notepad.

Carolyn Cochrane 37:59

So one of the parts with that when they're writing the note, Michelle, that I thought was funny is they're trying to make it look like disguise their handwriting, like somebody would know what their handwriting looks like, anyway. And so he's trying to write with his left hand. And then it's like, No, that one's not good. And so they crumpled it up and throw it away on the floor, and then they write the one that becomes the actual ransom note that we'll see what happens with

Michelle Newman 38:24

that one down before that crumpled up more definitely is going to come back. Right. Yeah. And if she's watching all of this unfold when suddenly, the door opens. And Mitch pushes Paul and Cindy inside in full on gags they're crying. They're holding hands, they're holding hands cue the trauma and I swear to God, this is the scene that's been tattooed on my brain your brains everybody's listening to sprains for 50 years. Kidnapping a quicksand you guys yes to greater yes as Gen X children.

Carolyn Cochrane 38:57

Yeah, I'm glad I guess that they didn't show us how that happened. I actually stopped the movie and think Did I miss something but I thought there was kind of a leap there.

Michelle Newman 39:06

So yeah, so it's Mitch who pushes them roughly and also Yeah, chess scary eyes.

Carolyn Cochrane 39:13

Scary Manson kind of idea. Oh, I'm sorry. Yes. Yeah, it's just evil and that and Linda Sue was like his whatever those trolls man love him and word that flight followed Charles Manson around and believe everything he said, Cindy

Kristin Nilsen 39:25

is on with the crying gal with the Academy Award Level crying so much so that right now as a mom watching this, I'm worried that the actress really thinks she's being kidnapped. I'm actually like, she's so good at my kidnapped

Michelle Newman 39:41

like her versus Kramer The actress was dancing and he's whispering to get her to cry. Like you're really gonna get kidnapped next Tuesday. Yeah, like these are actually

Kristin Nilsen 39:51

kidnappers and they're gonna kill you. Oh, my God.

Michelle Newman 39:53

But Linda is very kind and she's like, can't we take off the gags and Henry and Mitch get to some sort of fight, and suddenly things take a real hard turn because Mitch grabs a gun on you guys off the grandfather clock and even two weeks ago me was like, Oh, my heart like that was a remember. I did not remember the gun. I think it's, you know, they say, and I'm always worried about this. I've lost so many memories. They say you blackout your brain protects you from a lot of bad things.

Kristin Nilsen 40:28

You're like, when

Michelle Newman 40:30

did me from that gun in this movie?

Kristin Nilsen 40:32

Because everybody in the haunted house is like, what the hell, Mitch? What the hell and Mitch has had it with you going? What the hell, Mitch? Because nobody wants to kidnap these kids except for Mitch. And so he gets all frustrated like well then I'm just gonna shoot you all. He's just big and mean that but they're like, why do we have to kidnap kids but now he's got a gun. They have no choice. So that's Mitch is playing is like we'll see I have against you have to kidnap the kids as kidnapper be killed?

Carolyn Cochrane 40:57

Yes. And I think this also provides the opportunity we were we see Benji has some flashbacks of his relationship with a gun. So we learned that he he did have a life before Yes, his first month. He had a life before you know he was roaming the streets of Mayberry. You can tell from expressions. Yes, that this gun thing signifies something deep and it is not good. It triggers Benji in such a way that he kind of elevates his that's

Kristin Nilsen 41:24

the word Benji is triggered. Benji was like, Hey, I know what's going on here and he pops up from behind the couch and he knocks a picture off the wall. Alerting Mitch to His Presence. Miss Paul's downstairs. Yes, it falls down the stairs. So now Mitch takes off after Benji with his gun, triggering Benji all the more. And now we get a chase through the house. And Mitch with the gun is stalking our favorite dog. Right. So that's, that's not okay, that feels bad. And they're just and again, this is a this is a 10 minute scene of the guy with the gun running after our dogs through a haunted house. Yeah,

Carolyn Cochrane 42:01

it's about oh, all the things. But Benji

Kristin Nilsen 42:03

is so savvy, and he jumps out the broken window and he starts running. And this is where you start shouting to the TV run busy. And while he's running, that's when his flashbacks are coming even harder. It's terrible. And he has trauma. He's trying to outrun his trauma. And it's the guy from the park and the gun battle and the bad guy. And it's a long run to Paul and Cindy's house. Oh my god.

Michelle Newman 42:28

I think it's six miles.

Kristin Nilsen 42:30

It's a long it's

Michelle Newman 42:32

because your nice neighborhoods. Yeah, true alleys. It's through parks through downtown downtown.

Kristin Nilsen 42:37

The garden has a gardener hands in front. Of course. Yes. Yes. It is all about Benji running. And he bursts into Paul and Cindy's house where we see not just their dad, and Mary, but also a bunch of FBI looking people hanging around in the living room. None of whom seem terribly concerned. Like, you know, someone trespass through our yard again, one

Michelle Newman 43:03

of the people just sitting on automatic, casual, and they're all just hanging out.

Kristin Nilsen 43:11

Yeah. And I'm needing Liam Neeson in the room at this moment. I need and married like, oh, Benji, you should have been like,

Unknown Speaker 43:19

I need those kids back.

Michelle Newman 43:22

Right. And she's not even crying. No, nobody is crying. Like on a phone. Yeah. Yeah, that's the only that's the only way we know that something official that like they've reported it. Because one official guy and he's got his hand like up, pulling his coat back so we can see his badge, right? Yeah. So we know he's official. And he's on the phone like, alright, well call me when the FBI gets here. But everybody else is just sitting around like, the last time you saw him. Yeah. Something like, you know what, there'll be home when they get hungry. Did you have it? Did they have any money? Did they pocket money?

Kristin Nilsen 43:59

I'm not comfortable with any of this. And Benji also is very frustrated. He's very frustrated and he needs to get their attention. So

Michelle Newman 44:06

the FBI man does show up and they've got the ransom note. And the camera zooms on the ransom note. Maybe 18 minutes folding it. They're unfolding it they're folding it they're unfolding it and Fingy again is watching all of this they've tried to kick Benji out Mary has been like Ben gee, you need to go this isn't the time like we're busy right now. Well Benji finally is like a can't take it anymore. He jumps up he grabs the note and takes off running and now it is like the Keystone hops. They are all facing him in a line. Yeah, like done and like the music should be like yeah, and then they finally catch up. They get the note back. Well, now they toss Benji out again and he does not know what to do. I tried I tried so hard Paul and Cindy you can hear you can hear You're in feel his little heartbreaking. And now, the music turns super slow and sad. And now we have another montage. You guys, it's like Benji is doing a Charlie Brown walk. If there was one for dogs, yes, while I feel of instrumental gets really melancholy, and Benji just walked slowly with his head hung again. Acting, right? Yes, by all the usual spots, and it's crushing. It's heartbreaking. And it's probably a big reason we've all been in therapy GeneXus therapy for so many years, then, then there's hope because Benji sees Officer Friendly outside of the precinct and tries he runs up tries to alert him from scratch. As a viewer, you're like, yes, yes. But it doesn't happen.

Carolyn Cochrane 45:46

Okay, this scene, maybe the moment scene in the movie, Benji basically is kind of chasing our officer friend. And he gets trapped in like this municipal building where probably the police station is and city hall and all of that, and he cannot get out and we see him we see him running trying to alert people in this building. So there's a lot of like, long hallway you know, linoleum floor scenes where he's like running

Kristin Nilsen 46:13

very slippery. Yes, very slippery, for as little down clause.

Carolyn Cochrane 46:17

As the viewer you're like, time is of the essence here. People like he's got to find someone. And then it's pretty apparent after a while that this isn't going to happen. No one's listening. He sees people leaving. And he's gonna try like run after them and park and the door shuts, right when those people

Kristin Nilsen 46:36

get the big janitor. Yeah. And they lock it, they

Carolyn Cochrane 46:39

lock it. And then we start to get the scenes that are super heartbreaking to me because people are on the outside. And Benji is on the inside trying to alert people that he's filming. So he's scratching, scratching, scratching, and all of a sudden, we're on the outside, as you know, with the camera, and we just see him we know he's barking when we get out here.

Kristin Nilsen 47:01

It's just his mouth. You guys aren't

Michelle Newman 47:03

aware that dog? You can tell that dog is frantic. I don't know I got this distinct feeling is these are my people. They're in danger. Somebody I have to do everything I

Carolyn Cochrane 47:17

can do. That

Speaker 2 47:18

dog has emotions. That dog is fantastic. Benji

Carolyn Cochrane 47:23

is so smart that he knows these offices in this municipal building. You have windows that look out and they follow the sidewalk. So he goes out one office into the next one. Same scene, we're scratching at the window. And then finally, oh no. Is it going to happen? We don't know. Oh my gosh, he's at the last window. Okay, it must be a drive thru window like at a bank teller. It appears this is where you would come to like pay your property taxes or something if you didn't want to go in the building. And he's scratching, scratching and moving around. And he trips the intercom button on the drive thru window. Bark Bark is no longer silent mark it is a herd of bark. The security guard hears the bark. Oh my gosh, it's a miracle. Somehow we don't see this part. But he must go in and get Benji out. And now Benji is free. This is storytelling at its best. In the beginning of that scene. There isn't even any music. It is silent as we learn this loneliness or we feel it's like there's nothing Benji is all by himself. And then there does get to be music as the scene goes on. But it really again moves the story forward. Gives us all those feelings. No dialogue.

Kristin Nilsen 48:35

Oh, you see, that's where I disagree with you. I don't think this moves the story forward. I'm like why are we here? We just wasted five minutes in the police station and I don't know what

Michelle Newman 48:45

Yeah, we do we do you guys. He sees the crumpled up piece of paper always like that. He's calling around like dejected. He's given up No. And he finally just lays down and the in the hallway. And he's so sad. And he's like, I'm done. I've done everything I could and he sees the crumpled up piece of paper. They could have done a flashback that he remember seeing the crumpled up ransom note. And he feels like I know what I can do. This is when he knows he's going to need to go back and get the crumpled brand. So note to take it then show them that is the purpose of this scene. But I mean, I don't know about you guys. The tension though in the past like 28 minutes. Yes, or show killed me at age 54. How did we endure watching repeatedly? And like, just like volunteered to watch it like Oh, Benji's on I want to watch it as a small child. I don't know. Yeah. Turn me inside out. Yeah, so he knows he needs to get the crumpled up brands. Yeah, so he runs faster than any dog has ever run in the history of running dogs. Back to the haunted house. Benji sees the crumpled up first attempt ransom note when he came back for and grabs it. He

Kristin Nilsen 49:52

grabs it. He's the detective you guys. He takes that note, and when Mitch tries to grab him Tiffany bite them on the leg. Oh, but then Oh no. If you thought the gags were traumatizing, what happens next is the most traumatizing moment of the entire movie. And again, I've got the nipple lightning. I'm not having you told you was happening it. But I have nipple lightning already. Mitch turns around, and kicks Tiffany. Like he's kicking a field goal. She goes flying, and she lands with a thud on the floor lifeless and I am scarred. She looks like a feather duster. On the ground.

Michelle Newman 50:37

I feel like that's what they used when it goes Yes, she goes flying through the air. Like in my mind. I'm like, I hope they that's just like a mop head. Right? They had a mop but you guys

Carolyn Cochrane 50:48

let's let's take this scene. This one specific part very, like break it down. Because one we never see the kick. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 50:56

We see we don't we

Carolyn Cochrane 50:58

do not go back and watch I got I made that. Oh, no, I know. You know what's happening. Okay, created in your mind. But he pulls his foot back. So we know what's gonna happen? Yeah. Then we go to Benji. I mean, yeah, he does kick her but we don't see the kick. He goes to Benji and all we hear is this. Yelp. Then we hear a thud. And I guess maybe I don't remember seeing her even fly, I hear the thud and then then we see her on the ground. But so like the image of the actual kick and all of that. We never see the visual of it. But it's totally so well. And the sound fascinate is so done so well that because I

Kristin Nilsen 51:36

can literally see the whole thing. I see I see the kick, I see mine. And I need to go back and watch that go back and watch shows you what your mind can do.

Michelle Newman 51:45

But it's important. They set that up for our minds to do that. And it is specific to all of us and all of you listening, that we've had several comments on social media that say when the bad guy kicks Tiffany down the stairs, people say their memories, so traumatic that not only does he just he kicks her and she goes flying down the stairs. So like we've all conjured up terrible things about this, our

Kristin Nilsen 52:09

minds filled in the gaps. I wonder

Carolyn Cochrane 52:12

if that was something that got like cut from the movie, but that's in some of that. promo stuff.

Kristin Nilsen 52:18

This is so worth study. I'm just dying. I'm just

Michelle Newman 52:21

it is because in Brian's memory, my husband's memory, she died.

Carolyn Cochrane 52:26

Oh, well. Yeah,

Kristin Nilsen 52:27

he got all the way there. Oh my gosh. Well, what really happens is that remember Benji has the note in his mouth. And we're traumatized by the mop head on the ground. But this allows Benji to go. Now the bad guys take off after Benji, he has the OG ransom note in his mouth.

Michelle Newman 52:48

Also the kids the kids see Benji and then like yes,

Kristin Nilsen 52:52

yes, but the bad guys. They're trying they run after Benji. They're running ragged running, but they are weak and flabby. And they can't keep up with him. They're also quitters. And they're like, oh, and so once again. So Benji's keeps going faster, faster. And again, we're like Ron Benji, run. But this time, Benji is running in slow mo, with the note in his little mouth, and he's having more flashbacks, to all of his trauma. The gunbattle Oh, the gags in the kids mouths, the kick and Tiffany lying on the ground lifeless. Paul in Sunday's crying faces all of these are flashing, flashing flashing as he's running in slow motion. It's a very long run. Remember, this was like 1920 miles, right? Especially in slo mo, right? It's very, very long. It feels like we're all getting re injured over and over as he remembers all these things that scarred us in our youth. It's his motivation

Carolyn Cochrane 53:45

is motivation. Go Big go right.

Kristin Nilsen 53:50

He makes it back to Paul and Cindy's house. And guess who's there? Linda Sue? Why it isn't it's an inside job.

Michelle Newman 53:59

I knew though who she was to them we die ever find do

Kristin Nilsen 54:03

not know the backstory. How is this an inside job? We don't know. She sees Benji with the note.

Michelle Newman 54:11

She just got. I just got to shiver.

Kristin Nilsen 54:13

I know. She's like, Oh no, the dog detective is gonna like he's gonna ruin my whole thing. She grabs it out of his mouth. And she's like, Oh, nothing. It's just an old grocery list. And she puts it in her very cool tooled leather.

Michelle Newman 54:25

Honestly, you guys by this point, the tension. I'm so wrecked I'm sweating. 54 year old Michelle has opened a bottle of wine gone. Because Linda then drops that beautiful person. Benji dashes over grabs the note gives it to Mary who gives it to the cops now, keystone cops all start again. And now though they're starting like the six or 18 mile run. Oh my god. The Haunted House led by Benji the hero. And you guys it like literally turns from day to night during this rise. They are running and running and let's understand that some of these cops these keystone cops aren't fit. Running and Benji understand is a tiny dog who can run very very, very fast. But they're keeping up even Mary and her little pumps and drops. So basically nine miles later they get there. Of course just in the nick of time the kids are rescued. The men are arrested, Tiffany is alive. She gets her leg bandage at like 10pm by the doctor. We think so as we don't know. And happily, of course, because they saved Paul and Cindy's life. Dr. Chapman, all of a sudden they don't have germs. They're good. You're not gonna die. If they bite you. He agrees to let Benji and Tiffany live with them for ever.

Kristin Nilsen 55:50

I gotta tell you when Tiffany comes out of the doctor's office with the little cast on her tiny little leg, I am emotional. I am emotional about the little the little doggy cast

Michelle Newman 56:01

Well anyway, like like the movie poster says write Happy, sad suspense fun, highly acclaimed family picture of all time. Of all time. The

Speaker 1 56:11

Dallas Morning News says there is no Oscar for animal actors, but perhaps they should create a special one for this remarkable performer. And

Carolyn Cochrane 56:19

you guys I mean, the adventure just can't stop there. Right? I mean, this can't be the end of Benji and his escapades we've got to have some more movies that come after just YES energy. And indeed we do. We have five movies that come after Benji the original, which, as we said earlier, came out in 1974. I'm going to tell you the other ones, but I'm going to tell you them in the way that the entertainment website the rap ranks them, so we're going to count them down from worst to best according to the rap. All right, coming in at number six is Oh, Heavenly Dog, the 1981 of follow ups with Jane Seymour and this is what got Benji slash Ben gene as a guest judge on Dance Fever was their role in Oh heavenly dot.

Kristin Nilsen 57:09

I use the neutral pronouns. I did yeah.

Carolyn Cochrane 57:13

It works. Okay, now moving on to number five would be the 2004 motion picture. Benji off the leash exclamation point. With 2005

Kristin Nilsen 57:22


Carolyn Cochrane 57:23

you score 2000 word?

Kristin Nilsen 57:24

The 2000 is the important part. Okay, good.

Michelle Newman 57:26

Yeah. Right and like what line and the progeny is this been? She's like been jeans grandson. Full disclosure. I don't know that I ever watched another one. But

Carolyn Cochrane 57:38

I mean, we're like after the original. Why would you I mean, you can often imitated and actually probably a good thing because coming in at number four would be the follow up to Benji for the love of Benji 97.

Michelle Newman 57:50

I've seen that because it sounds really familiar to me. But it also could be because I bought the novella from Scholastic Book. Yes,

Carolyn Cochrane 57:56

exactly. No, that would be number four. So number three, we have the 1987 film, Benji the hunted is that

Michelle Newman 58:05

oh, that sounds awesome name ever. That's terrible.

Kristin Nilsen 58:07

I don't like it. Well, that

Carolyn Cochrane 58:09

comes in at number three. Okay, get ready guys. Coming in at number two. Benji, the original 19 Sound thing now because they the rap now this is according to the rap. Okay, they give the number one spot to Benji. Basically, the remake of the original which was filmed in 2018 is so crazy. This is what the rap says they say the latest paid by them. Yeah. The latest Benji movie might not be as pulse pounding as the original. But it finds an exceptional balance between suspense sentimentality and high quality filmmaking, there's a really good chance that this movie will make you cry in the opening scene. And that's no easy feat. Sometimes it's sappy. And sometimes the peril may be a little too scary for the younger kids. But the new Benji is the only Benji movie that works on every level.

Kristin Nilsen 59:04

Okay, I'm gonna have to watch it. Of course, I'm biased. I know. I don't really buy

Carolyn Cochrane 59:09

it. Well, of course. And I'm thinking How old were the people that reviewed the movie if they're the member? Right, right. I mean, are they used to, you know, a little more of this advanced filmmaking kind of stuff. So they don't know how to use their imaginations. So they're like, watch a movie with silence. Right? Exactly. That's what I'm gonna go with. So yeah, they really melt Benji for all he's worth, not only in these movies and TV specials, but like you've pointed out Michelle, the merch I mean, there was a lot of merch going on. We had the books, obviously we had lunch boxes, stuffed animals, we

Kristin Nilsen 59:44

all folders. Yes. Yeah.

Michelle Newman 59:46

So it's probably big

Carolyn Cochrane 59:49

stuff. But I would if you guys don't mind, of course, I found a few interesting facts that I'd like to share in Carolyn's rabbit hole. Is that okay? And I'd like to also debut the the new theme for Carolyn's rabbit hole you you're hearing it here for the first time and here we go well just deliver ring for sure. Please excuse me I don't have the best voice but here we go. Rabbit Hole rabbit hole let's go down the rabbit hole with Carolyn

Michelle Newman 1:00:24

next time you do it can I get out my Fisher Price xylophone. And then after you say with Carolyn, I'm gonna make up a little thing.

Carolyn Cochrane 1:00:32

I would love that. Yeah, does need a little does need a little musicality to our little sound to it. Yeah. Well, because this episode was flirting with being two hours long, we decided to move my rabbit hole discussion over to Patreon. So all of our patrons will get to hear all of these fun facts and interesting tidbits that I discovered when I went down my rabbit hole. So if you are not already a patron, we would love for you to join us, you can go to patreon that's pa t ar e o and search for pop culture Preservation Society in that search bubble. Or you can click on our link on Instagram or on our website. Thanks so much. Now back to the show.

Michelle Newman 1:01:30

While it's true that our generation is not the only one to have movies that affected us on so many levels, I think that we can say we had the best ones. Movies like Benji that made us feel all the feels happy, sad, scared, excited, anxious, exhilarated. Live on and us not just as movies, but as events. And they're just one more of those shared experiences that connect us all to each other. Thanks, Benji. Thank you all for listening.

Kristin Nilsen 1:02:00

That is so true. All of it. Every single word is so true.

Carolyn Cochrane 1:02:04

We'd love doing this episode. You guys, I love this podcast. I'm gonna say it again. And I love revisiting Benji. And this podcast only exists because of our followers, our listeners, and those of you who support us on Patreon and making one time donations on PayPal. We love you

Michelle Newman 1:02:24

all. And today's episode was brought to you by some of these wonderful people. Susan Joanna Jane Tracy, J. S. Erica, Pam. That's Julie, Robin, Steven, Sheila and Rob.

Kristin Nilsen 1:02:39

These are just some of the patrons and one time donors who help us fund this program with their monetary support. Thanks to all of you. In the meantime, let's raise our glasses for a toast courtesy of Jack and Janet and Chrissy from Three's Company and Benji, and then to good times to Happy Days

Carolyn Cochrane 1:02:59

to Little House on the Prairie rushers.

Kristin Nilsen 1:03:06

The information opinions and comments expressed on the pop culture Preservation Society podcast belongs solely to Carolyn the crush ecologist and hello Newman, and are in no way representative of our employers or affiliates. And though we truly believe we are always right, there's always the first time the PCPs is written, produced and recorded in Minneapolis, Minnesota Home of the fictional w j m studios and our beloved Mary Richards Nananana. Keep on truckin and may the Force be with you.


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