This Is Your Brain on PSAs: GenX Edition

EPISODE 208 — This is Your Brain on PSAs: GenX Edition

Friends don’t let friends miss this episode! Today we’re taking a hard look at the PSAs from our childhoods that warned (scared) us of all the dangers known to man. Putting out your campfire? Check. Not being a litterbug? Check. Not chugging the poison under the kitchen sink? Check. Making you feel guilty if your friends drive after drinking? Check check and CHECK. And not only are we remembering them, we’re RANKING them based on YOUR responses. We’re also solving that decades-long debate on “Smokey the Bear” vs. “Smokey Bear,” and at long last telling you what Timer REALLY was supposed to be (you’ll never guess). Listen NOW to see where Woodsy landed. Only YOU can prevent yourself from missing this episode!

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