Purple Rain: The GenX Citizen Kane (Part 1)

Dearly Beloved ... we are gathered here today to get through this thing called ... a podcast episode -- devoted to one of the most iconic movies of the 1980s: Prince's Purple Rain. It's a movie that conjures up images from the classic Gen X adolescence; if you didn't see Purple Rain, were you even a teenager in the 80s? We'll ask Carolyn and Michelle because together we gathered in Kristin's Greg Brady attic so they could watch this movie FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME! With Kristin as their guide, they dove into the deep end of the Purple Rain pool and got a chance to experience the cultural hurricane they missed the first time around. We'll talk about why they didn't see it, what they missed as a result, plus lots of movie backstory and dish about the actors/non actors who brought this extremely personal story to life. What famous performer left the movie just two weeks before filming began? Who was Apollonia's famous (not-Prince) boyfriend? Why did the studio try to boot Prince from the movie? And who enjoys a Filet-o-fish from time to time? Listen in to find out!


Our Purple Rain Book Report (Part 2)


Turkeys on TV: A Retro Thanksgiving Episode Roundup