Fast Times at Ridgemont High: Learn it, Know it, Live it.

Fast Times at Ridgemont High, we learned it, knew it, lived it. It’s an iconic and unforgettable film for — dare we say? — our entire generation. And this week we dove deep in that pool (yes, that pool) to talk all about it. Is it fair that Fast Times is included in the same category as Porky's and other exploitation movies? What scenes and lines of dialogue are burned into our brains (and yours)? Who was originally offered the role of Jeff Spicoli (and who we are very happy did not accept)? Which PCPS host is still is afraid of carrots? Do we actually like Stacy? And oh yes, don't worry, we'll talk about that swimming pool scene, and of course, Phoebe Cates' perfect boobs.

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Fast Times: The Soundtrack…Sort Of?


Back to School: GenX Style (Trapper Keepers, designer jeans & Liz Lange)