On Your FM Dial: 1981 - Our Picks

Kristin Nilsen 0:01

Did you know that the pop culture Preservation Society is on Patreon? Patreon allows you to support our work by becoming dues paying members of our society. We are an independent women run endeavor with a commitment to delivering the highest quality listening experience to our community, and so we've taught ourselves how to record, edit and produce a podcast in midlife, a time when most of us are asking our kids how to re gram a Tiktok so that we can deliver episodes that truly speak to you. Support from PCPs patrons means that we can devote more of our time and resources to the content, sources, equipment, software, hosting and research that you've come to depend on, without worrying about how to pay the bills. So thank you. We appreciate you from the bottom of our bell bottom tarts.

Carolyn Cochrane 0:50

Just like I was evolving, so was my musical alter ego and our friend Carolyn. Carolyn was having an identity crisis. She wasn't gonna have to choose between Bruce Springsteen and Barry Manilow choose the police over air supply. It was no that's tough. That's tough. It was 81 was a year for me, and you'll hear a little bit more about that as we share some of our songs.

Speaker 1 1:19

Hello World is a song that we're singing. Come on, get happy. Whole lot of love. And is what we'll be bringing we'll make you happy.

Michelle Newman 1:33

Welcome to the pop culture Preservation Society, the podcast for people born in the big wheel generation who had too much time on our heads, on all of our hands, yeah,

Carolyn Cochrane 1:46

and our arms. We believe our Gen X childhoods gave us unforgettable songs, stories, characters and images, and if we don't talk about them, they'll disappear, like Marshall will and Holly on a routine expedition. And today

Kristin Nilsen 2:00

we're still saving the music of 1981 but this time, instead of the Grammy Award winners, we're saving the songs that were personal to us.

Carolyn Cochrane 2:10

I'm Carolyn, I'm Kristen,

Michelle Newman 2:11

and I'm Michelle, and we are your pop culture preservationists. Die. Arrive.

Kristin Nilsen 2:30

Welcome back, everybody to part two of on your FM dial, 1981 our regular series of Gen X music themed episodes devoted to the music of the 1980s when FM radio had kicked am radio to the curb and boom boxes replaced transistor radios. In part one, we discussed the 24th annual Grammy Awards hosted by five time Master of Ceremonies John Denver. That ceremony was dominated by Betty Davis and Jesse's Girl and Quincy Jones, who got his first of many awards in 1981 and Rick James and Dolly Parton and Elvira in part two. It's all about us today is personal, and Carolyn and Michelle and I are going to share the songs we waited for on the radio. We'll tell you who we were, where we were, and what these songs meant to us. And this is significant, because, as we've discussed so many times on this show, the music that means the most to us is the music we heard when we were growing up, as if the songs were sticky and wouldn't let go as we grew this is a scientifically studied phenomenon, and the age that tends to be the stickiest. Do you guys remember,

Michelle Newman 3:42

Oh, I think it was, was it 14? It's 14,

Kristin Nilsen 3:47

yeah, it's 14. The songs that tend to stick to you the hardest are the ones that were in your life when you were 14 years old. I totally agree with that, uh huh, uh huh. And I love that there is that there is scientific data backing this up. It means that we're not just clinging to something old. It's there's a reason that these songs are important to us.

Michelle Newman 4:10

And I love that the three of us are different ages. And as we know from Kristen being, you know, 40, when she was eight, we were all at different like maturity levels at different times. Because when we have an episode like this, and say, songs of 1981 we're all coming with different levels of maturity to this. So that makes such a difference in the songs that we pick right like in 1981 I was 11 turning 12 in or in March of 81 so early 81 but still I was in sixth grade, which for me was still elementary school, but you know, we were like the oldest, so we felt super cool, which meant we listened to super cool music, at least according to us. And music was starting to become more important to us in sixth grade, and we could have conversations about it. To give you a picture of little Michelle I had. Had newly feathered hair. I loved ribbon barrettes. I went with my first air quotes boyfriend, but we didn't really talk, and I was becoming aware in sixth grade of all kinds of racy stuff. And I remember lots of whispered conversations and passing notes with my friends, kind of like testing out our newfound knowledge. You know, did you hear what Tricia was doing with, you know, Geno in the woods at recess and that kind of stuff. I was also realizing how desperately I wanted to be liked by a boy, but I was already terrified of that happening, and that's a feeling that would last throughout high school long time. You guys know that long time listeners know that I loved hanging out with my friends, and we still played little kid games sometimes, but only in private. You know, my friend Lisa and I still played flower shop when we got together, but like, if we disclosed that to anyone, we would have to, you know, kill them. I loved going to the mall. I loved watching The Love Boat and the facts of life. We all played Foursquare at recess. I loved going to the roller rink, and I loved singing in front of my mirror with a tickle deodorant bottle, and I loved reading. It was, it was a good time. Sixth grade was a really good year. We were my family was family situation was good. So I have really good memories of sixth grade. I

Kristin Nilsen 6:19

think I still really like the junior high model, because I think sixth grade, when you're the top of the heap, like that, then you have a much better chance of jumping into junior high and seventh grade as there's a little more maturity there, as opposed to having, like fifth grade be part of middle school or sixth grade be part of middle school. They're just little kids. Yeah,

Carolyn Cochrane 6:39

well, I was not a little kid at this time, you guys, as I was prepping for this episode, I realized just how formative and impactful 1981 was for me. I began the year as a naive 15 year old sophomore in high school, and the events that transpired over 1981 would make it perhaps the most transformative year of my life. Wow, right? Because in 1981 I had my first serious boyfriend who proceeded to break my heart many times over that year. And you've heard about all of that. I got my driver's license. Okay? I turned 16 in the fall of 1981 I went to my first formal dance, my sophomore cotillion, and let's just say it was the year of me kind of trying on some different personas, maybe making some iffy choices, really going from like a kid to a real teenager, really seriously. I think the emotional growth of that year is unparalleled to any other year in my life, wow, and my musical tastes were evolving too. Just like I was evolving, so was my musical alter ego and our friend Carolyn. Carol was having an identity crisis. She was gonna have to choose between Bruce Springsteen and Barry Manilow choose the police over air supply. It was some No, that's tough. That's tough. It was 81 was a year for me, and you'll hear a little bit more about that as we share some of our songs. But yeah, as I reflected, I thought you survived, Carolyn, good for you. That's a lot of

Kristin Nilsen 8:16

stuff, Carolyn, in that that's a lot. So in 1981 I was in seventh and eighth grade, which are probably my most vulnerable years, 12, ages 12 and 13, when I had just started junior high at Fred Moore junior high, which was enormous. It was bigger than most people's high schools, 1500 kids on three floors with bells ringing and classes switching and five minutes to get from the choir room in the basement to the art room on the third floor. It was terrifying. It was terrifying. My hair was frizzing up in an ode to puberty, and I had no skills for taming it. A curling iron was foreign to me, except for curling my curtain of bangs. I would just my curtain of bangs. I would just curl them under feathering was not happening. Remember, we didn't have YouTube. We didn't have the internet, so I couldn't get the information I needed on how to make those perfect wiener rolls. I did not know how people got their hair to feather all the way around and meet in the back. Remember, it was a complete mystery to me, so I wore my hair kind of longish, with curled under bangs, sometimes with little mark and Mindy ponytails. Remember how Pam dauber would have her hair down, but then have these little ponytails in the front? I would do that. Sometimes I'd make them into little braids, but more often, I would just pull up the sides with barrettes, holding each side up. Thank God for ribbon barrettes so I wasn't out of style. I just, I was just making a choice that was different from what most people were doing, but it was really because of lack of skills than anything else. In seventh grade, I'm still a book nerd, and I will carry a book with me from class to class so I can bury my face in it before the bell. Rings at the start of each class, and this did not help me make friends. And by eighth grade, I make the dance line at school, and I finally have some place to belong. It is like night and day. I had people to claim me. I had an identity that wasn't just girl hiding in book, and this is where all of my friends will come from for the next five years. Pretty much I'm also taking dance classes during the week. So much of the music I'm listening to is in the context of either a dance class or a dance line practice. And this drives my taste. It was always the music I liked. It was always the music that I gravitated to, even when I was really young, R and B, funk and disco, and now I know why, because she liked a boogie, right? It all made sense. So let's, let's get started on the songs that were part of our soundtracks. Michelle, do you want to go first? Yeah,

Michelle Newman 10:57

and I want to start with a little bit of a disclaimer, because some of these songs released in 1981 I probably didn't really start listening to until 1982 because I'm going from age 11 and 12 and 81 and then 12 to 13 and 82 and that's a pretty huge jump maturity wise. So I'm choosing songs released in 1981 following the rules, because I'm a rule follower still, but I can't promise that I'm being accurate as to when they had their biggest impact on me. Also, if you guys remember and listeners, well, I was in middle school in 1981 so I already chose my three songs like I went from sixth grade to seventh grade in 81 it was middle school for us. It was view Ridge, middle school with seventh and eighth grade. So in that episode, I already chose my three songs that made me we have episode 3136 is called the songs that made me Junior High edition, which makes me think we need to do another one, because that was fun, because we were all I was. So this is kind of the same thing for me, because it's the same year, so I'm forced to pick different ones here, which is actually like a bonus episode for me. So who's the real winner here? Right? Me? Like a high school addition next and then, yeah, College edition. Yeah. So I think that would be really fun, right? High school or college would be a good one. Okay, so I've divided my picks into category so category one is sappy Love Song slash romantic category it's a four way tie. Don't worry, I'm not going to talk about four songs. I'm going to talk about one. About one, and that's Endless Love.

Unknown Speaker 12:29

There's only you in my life. The only thing that's right,

Kristin Nilsen 12:38

I'm so glad that you picked, you guys. I'm really so glad you picked this. Oh, I'm so glad that just proves right there why I'm so happy that you picked this song, the fact that two of you picked it, and that I am glad that you picked it, means that this song was everything to us.

Michelle Newman 12:53

Well, this song, my mom had the album. So now understand, being 11 into 12, I'm still very driven by what music is being played a lot in my house when I'm not holed up in my room, which at 11 and 12, I'm not as much yet, right? So all Diana Ross albums played all the time. My mom had this was also on, like, a greatest hits album. I actually own that album now. I play this album all the time, mostly for endless love, even at age 1211, and 12, I was a huge romantic and I have very distinct memories of dueting with a mystery man, but passionately acting as I sang this I would get very into it. I believed the words, and I was so little, but like I said earlier, I'm just starting to understand all this. You know, I'm gonna say boy, girl stuff, because that was, that was me. But you know now I mean girl, girl, whatever, you know, boy, boy, whatever, whatever your love, your your love is, I loved it, and the four way tie the other titles, just so you'll know that I'm not kidding. We're for your eyes only, which I think I said last week. I do still have my 45 from that year, and it doesn't skip. I love it. The one that you love air supply, 1981 I could put all air supply, but the one that you love I love I think the most, and keep on loving you. REO Speedwagon. That was my four way tie, but I went with endless love of the of all of those is my is, yeah, that's to me. My the one that speaks to me, still to this day, speaks

Kristin Nilsen 14:29

to the one that was that was launching you on your on your sexual awakening.

Michelle Newman 14:35

I know, but really music, I you know what? Kristen, that's actually something I've never thought of before, until right now. I really do credit music for a lot of my sexual awakening. How can you not, right? It was like a blanket that was and I wasn't. And I'm not gonna credit bad mama Jama. I'm gonna credit you guys. If you listened last week, you heard Kristen say. She didn't know what she was singing. I'm gonna credit you know my first love, it's so beautiful. Oh yeah, I'll sing that song loudly. Still to this day, I love it.

Carolyn Cochrane 15:14

Well, coincidentally, that is also one of my three choices, and it's one of the reasons we're we're friends, I think so. And I think while it was your introduction to your sexual awakening, it might have been my chapter two of

Michelle Newman 15:30

my my next bass, the next level. You

Carolyn Cochrane 15:33

guys talk about impactful Okay, to me, this was the perfect love song, and 1981 was the year I fell in love for the first time, like this was me, and they were my age, okay, I was obsessed, not only with the song, but the movie, the book, all things, endless love all the time. When the movie came out, I somehow convinced my boyfriend this was a part of our relationship when we were getting along to go see it with me. And I remember he didn't want to, but somehow I was able to talk him into it. And you know what, you guys, I don't really like the movie that much, but so thank God for the song, the song, the song the song, it was everything, kind of like you were imagining what the song could be. Michelle, I felt like I was maybe living in like I was kind of like they gave me goosebumps. Yeah, I wish I was living, I mean, my little my my younger self. Wished I was living that the whole year. But we'll talk about that a little bit later. I was also deep into my Diana Ross obsession in 1981 I loved everything Diana Ross, I think I've shared with you guys that my high school and where I lived, Motown, was a big deal. And so I was also really into Diana Ross and the Supremes, kind of my retro kind of music, and I listened to their anthology album all the time. And then Diana also had, I'm coming out in 1981 kind of a little bit of a resurgence of her career. So I loved that. It was Diana Ross singing this song. That was me. I just felt like, you know, again, I was Brooke Shields. I was living this. And so it I have a visceral response, and that's kind of what I used as my criteria for three songs. I picked like, when I hear those first few notes, what does my body do? And in some cases, it's a gut punch. And sometimes it's, I get teary, you know? Sometimes I want to jump out of my seat and dance. And this one is just, it catches in my throat, and my nose gets kind of tingly. It's, kind of all the things it really is. And

Michelle Newman 17:42

what's so funny is, like I mentioned earlier, how we're all at different ages. When we do these episodes, everything you're saying, I can think of songs that elicit those same feelings in me from when I was 16 and thinking I was in love, you know, for I was like 1718 thinking I was in love for the first time, and so I remember that, but going back to endless love for just a minute, because we we just need to give it a little bit more time. Is there a song with a more beautiful, like just the melody, like the and I want to share? It's so beautiful.

Speaker 1 18:20

I want to

Unknown Speaker 18:33

share. No one else will. I

Carolyn Cochrane 18:36

used to always think it would be my wedding song,

Kristin Nilsen 18:38

that first line that you said my first love, the opening of just and the way she just lets it linger. My first love, like just, she just says that and lets it linger. And we all are either on the verge of or wanting or in the midst of our first love. And I think the song was the phenomenon, right? We were all about the movie. We were all about the book. But like you said, Carolyn, the movie was a little disappointing. We wanted the story that Lionel Richie and Diana Ross were selling. Yes, that was the story that we wanted that gets so mushy. So my first song pick is the song kiss on my list by Hall and oats.

Love that song. This is the song that was playing when the whole family piled into the car to take our yellow Ford Fiesta for a spin, because this was in response to the gas shortage. Remember, we were all buying these tiny little cars, and suddenly good gas mileage was a thing. And for what, for a while, this was our only car. We only had this tiny little Ford Fiesta. So this tiny, little yellow roller skate, we would have, like, three kids smashed in. The back seat. I even remember piling extended family members in the back seat, like maybe with my sister in the back window or something. I have no idea how we did it. This is the soundtrack to that car. I don't even really know why, except maybe I was getting driven around a lot at that time, and the radio was on a lot. This is the car that I also learned to drive on stick shift, of course, this is the car that drove me to dance classes, picked me up at friends houses. I remember one time waiting to get picked up after school. It would have been like after practice or something like that, because it was desolate. It was empty. There was nobody around, and I'm waiting and I'm waiting and I'm waiting, and my mom was like, an hour late, or something ridiculous, and I finally went into the school just praying that the office was still open so I could ask to borrow the phone. I call home, nobody answers, so I go back outside, just as I see that little yellow Fiesta pulling away from the curb and driving away without me. And I just remember standing there watching it drive away and being like mother ever I had no recourse, nothing like all I could do was sit on that bench for another hour and wait for somebody to figure out, to come back and give me just stop

Carolyn Cochrane 21:15

there for a second. I don't know if we have any younger listeners. Are you? Do you understand this? People? There was no texting, there was no immediate way to say, Mom, turn around. I was just in the building. You were sitting out there for another hour until your mom figured maybe she was inside the building when I went by. Yeah,

Michelle Newman 21:31

Linda's probably listening to this now and going Kristen.

Kristin Nilsen 21:36

10 minutes that never happened. I would never have left you alone like that. Well, and then when the office, eventually, the office is going to close, and I will have access to no phone, and I don't have a quarter so I can't walk to the Apple bombs to use the pay phone. I literally have zero recourse. There is no way to contact my people, and there was nobody home to answer the phone anyway. Eventually they came and got me, but I think it was dark by that time. I just remember watching that little yellow car going, put, put, put up the hill without me.

Carolyn Cochrane 22:09

Can I just share one of one of the times that my mom forgot to pick me up? And it was soul crushing, because it was right before holiday Christmas break, and I was the person who got to take home the pet mice. I had this huge, like, aquarium, but it was filled with, like, you know, that hay stuff and these little mice, and I'm just standing there in front of my school building, and there is no mother, and all the busses I was, like, left by myself, and I usually bought my home. So it was a little different that I'm sure my mom just obviously forgot, and just thought I was walking home, so I had to go into the office, yeah and yeah, and then I didn't I got them, not just for a weekend, but for like, two weeks, because my family, my mom, was never going to let us get a hamster or anything like that. This is as close as I was going to get to a furry little friend like that. But yeah, I was just out there holding this heavy thing and, like, the water bottle thing, and

Michelle Newman 23:08

set it down. Why didn't

Kristin Nilsen 23:13

you set it down exactly right minute? Yes, right. So this song kiss on my list. It's actually a very misinterpreted song in a couple of ways. First, raise your hand if you actually initially thought the song was kiss on my lips.

Unknown Speaker 23:29

No, I don't think I ever thought that. Oh, that was kissing.

Michelle Newman 23:31

I'm sorry.

Kristin Nilsen 23:32

I for sure thought it was kiss on my lips. I can see that though, yeah, because your kisses on my lips. My lips. Well, everybody else, okay, everybody except you thought it was kiss on my lips. But eventually the song became very well known, and we knew that it was kiss on my list. And we all think that it's a really happy love song, right? No, it is not, because, according to Daryl Hall, it is what he calls an anti love song, and the Lyric, Your kiss is on my list of the best things in life, really means that the kiss is simply another item on this guy's list. Like, yeah, it's on the list, but it's not even the best thing in life, right? It's just on the list of a whole bunch of other things. And Daryl Hall actually says it's the very opposite of, I love you and I would die without you. It's more like, yeah, I guess I love you, but if I didn't have you, I have a whole bunch of other things on this list. Wait,

Michelle Newman 24:24

that's, that's Carolyn's boyfriend's song. Then I'm thinking the boyfriend she's referencing. That was probably his song.

Carolyn Cochrane 24:34

Even I thought it was like a compliment, like, why

Speaker 2 24:38

would you write a dude? Why would you write a song about like, a total dick dude? Why even

Kristin Nilsen 24:44

write this song? Like, why is that even a thing that you need to express so I reject this, and I will continue to carry it on my heart as a happy go lucky word Fiesta song. And it's clear that the rest of the world is with me on this, including Eddie Van Halen, who told Darrell hall that he. Actually stole the synth part of kiss on my list and used it in their biggest hit jump.

Unknown Speaker 25:06


Kristin Nilsen 25:10

right, yeah. I just like that. He admitted he's like, Dude, I stole your song. Here is another fun fact. So the song was written by Daryl Hall's girlfriend's sister. So it was written by Sarah of Sarah smiles sister. And before this, Sarah smiles sister had never written the song before. This was the first song she ever wrote, and she hit a home run. In fact, it was such a perfect song that they quickly like, sit down. Sit down. Let's, like, let's they just recorded a janky demo, like, really, really fast, and they sent it off to the record company just to see, what do you think? Do you like the song? Should we record it? And they were like, do not re record this. This is what we're releasing their James demo is what we know as kiss on my list. And Daryl Hall said, this is the best quote. He said, That's why the drum machine is so Dicky and all that stuff. It was really not meant for prime time,

Michelle Newman 26:03

wow. But yet, it was a huge hit. Huge hit.

Kristin Nilsen 26:06

The first song she's ever written,

Carolyn Cochrane 26:08

yeah, wow. Did she go on to write anymore? She did. She was their

Kristin Nilsen 26:12

songwriting partner for a very long time. Their whole comeback, essentially, in the 80s, is due to her. Her name is Jana, and then sadly, she died of leukemia, and it's the saddest story, and we've talked about that, yes, we have, because it like chokes me up completely. She died, and it destroyed all of their relationships, like he and Sarah smile eventually had to break up because they they couldn't their grief was too great, and they couldn't get over it. Understandable, yeah, Michelle, what's your next Okay,

Michelle Newman 26:43

well, my next song, My remember I said I'm doing categories. My ex category is friends, because when you're 11, turning 12 and in the sixth grade, your friends are a huge part of your life. And like I said, your friendships are evolving too, along with your maturity level. So I do have a tie, but it's okay, because it's the same, thing. My tie is both songs by the police. I'm picking Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic.

Do da, da,

reason I'm choosing both of those songs is because one of my closest friends at the time, besides Lisa, was Kristen. And I think I've talked about Kristen before, also spelled with an i n, an i n like you, Kristen, and she was obsessed with the police. This was before our shared obsession with Duran. Duran, if you remember, she was Nick Rhodes's wife, if you go back listeners to our letter writing episode, and I read the whole letter from Nick Rose's wife, that's Kristen. So she was obsessed with the police, and that was a little cutting edge in sixth grade to be that obsessed with the police, and especially sting. And let's go back to 1981 sting. I just saw him last year at Red Rocks. And you guys, he still looks phenomenal, sounds phenomenal, plays the guitar. It is like we're watching 1981 sting. Wow, we were and he's coming back in April, and tickets sold out, like in a minute, but we're gonna figure out a way to get them. My husband huge, humongous police fan, but I want the reason I chose this is because, to this day, I still think of Kristen when I hear an old Elise song, and it just brings me back to that feeling of hanging out with her in her rainbow painted bedroom, and it just conjures up those first friendships that were so important in your life, that stretched from elementary school to middle school to high school, and how we evolved. We went from pre pubescent kids together, and you guys know this is really important to me, because I moved so much, but that five year stint in Ridgefield, Washington was fifth grade through the end of ninth grade, and that is a really, really kind of critical era of your development, right? So I'm so glad that I was in one place for that time so that I could have these constant friendships. So like with Kristin and with Lisa, you know, we went from kids singing songs like in fifth grade and loving songs to then loving them for different reasons, like, hello, Sting, right where they and then, and then that evolved into Duran, Duran and we're loving them, so we would sit and just listen to music, and that in sixth grade because she loved The police, and so that was very different than like, maybe we played in fifth grade, but so so to me that when I saw those songs were on the 1981 list, I was immediately like, Oh, those have to be in my the one police song at least should be in my top three, because it takes me right back there and to this. Say, I go back to her. That's

Kristin Nilsen 30:01

very much like in our in our previous Grammy episode, I talked about how the music of that time was so singular and unique and was constantly catching our attention. Unlike some of the music today that might feel more like genre music or more like wallpaper and the police is the perfect example of that, that when we heard the police for the first time. Can you remember the first time you heard did? Do, do? Do you never heard anything like that? Everything was brand new and fresh and interesting and was so and that's part of why it sticks with us, too. I wonder if the more wallpaper music is going to stick with our kids in the same way. I don't know.

Speaker 2 30:40

Maybe, maybe I will. I don't know time will tell.

Carolyn Cochrane 30:45

Okay, my next choice is the best of times. Kind of sticks

Speaker 1 30:50

tonight's the night. We'll make history, honey.

Speaker 3 31:04

And these are the best.

Unknown Speaker 31:13

Wow, that was so

Kristin Nilsen 31:17

we all chose a different part. I

Carolyn Cochrane 31:20

don't even know how to do a harmony. I just, you

Kristin Nilsen 31:23

accidentally sang harmony. Gosh, that is exciting,

Carolyn Cochrane 31:28

yeah. And if you remember, there's just some first few piano notes that start that song. And when I hear those, I am literally, like, sucked back in time. I know I talk about this image a lot on the podcast, but like, I'm in this kind of vortex that's sucking me and, you know, I'm spinning like, you know when people are, like, dreaming, yeah, and I'm just going back in time. And I plopped onto my bed, my merrimeco inspired comforter, because it was actually from JCPenney. And I can see, I can see my bedroom so clearly I can feel truly what I was feeling back then at that when I was listening to this music, and that was heartbroken, sad, this song was probably the standout one from what I might call my bedroom blues playlist, the soundtrack that accompanies the heartbreak of that year and the hours I spent in my bedroom just feeling that specific kind of grief that comes from a broken heart, and you're wishing and you're praying that things would just change, that things would be different. So I'm thumbing through all the, you know, notes he'd ever written me and the cards he'd sent me, and, you know the flowers that were, you know the petals are dropping, but it's still on my desk. The night that I would be looking out the window I could see from one of the windows in my bedroom the end of my street, and there would be a night or two or 10 where my then boyfriend not would say, Oh, I'm gonna, I'm coming over. I'll come get you. I'm on my way, and I would have music on, and the night would just get longer, and I'd just be looking out that window waiting for headlights to make the turn. And every once in a while there would be some headlights, and they wouldn't be that so there is a whole soundtrack. This being one of the main songs that just was accompanying that time in my life that I can see the carpet on the floor, I would just be sitting against my bed on the floor, just so sad. Oh, waiting, the way the waiting yes and the hoping and the okay, you know, I would always be making deals with I was just about to say that bargaining like Yes, always the bargaining. I'll make my bed every morning with whatever I'll, you know, study an hour every night for Spanish. All the things I

Michelle Newman 33:46

would do, things like, I'm going to start counting to 50. If I get to 50 and the phone doesn't ring, I'm going to just go out and watch TV, and then you'd get to 50 and go, I'm just going to count to 51 more. Oh yeah, let

Carolyn Cochrane 33:58

me tell you, Solitaire. That would be a thing I would do, I would play solitaire. If I win this game of solitaire, that's it, like he'll be the next car around the corner or whatever. And I can't tell you how many games of solitaire I

Michelle Newman 34:10

played best of the world champion, just

Kristin Nilsen 34:12

to turn that around, can you like I'll ask Michelle, Michelle, can you imagine Carolyn ever telling somebody I'll come pick you up, and then not,

Michelle Newman 34:22

no. Carolyn is, like the most reliable person, and she

Kristin Nilsen 34:26

would never do that. Like, it's just hard to imagine being a person in the world and saying you're gonna come pick somebody up, and then just not, yeah,

Carolyn Cochrane 34:34

yeah. And, I mean, and it was always, you know, he didn't, never mind. It was Yeah, just a lot of promise, unkept promises. Let's just say that's kind of what it

Kristin Nilsen 34:43

was. And this, this is so ironic. This music is the soundtrack to that, and it makes you so melancholy. And the title of it is the best times it hurts.

Carolyn Cochrane 34:53

Oh yes, it does. It hurts a lot. But kept thinking like, okay, they're right around the corner. The best of times like this is, yes, this next time. We're back together. This will be the time like we won't ever break up again. This is our endless love and

Kristin Nilsen 35:04

you have and you have this at this time in your life. You are always told that this is the best time of your life. High school is the best time of your life. You're having the time of your life, and that doesn't incorporate the heartbreak. And so you're sitting in a time that you know is supposed to be the best time of your life, and that's part of what you're clinging to. You're waiting to see the headlights because, you know, that's what the best of the best times are. And if somebody is at high school totally sucks. You might have been like, Screw it. I'm gonna go watch Love Boat. Mm, hmm, right. Yeah, yeah. You were trying to create something because everyone expected it to be. So, yeah,

Carolyn Cochrane 35:43

exactly that was, you know, how I am about what everyone thinks and what it's supposed to be. And that was just something I really thought I wanted. I mean, of course, looking back, we know what we know now, but I would have done a lot of things, definitely,

Kristin Nilsen 35:58

you both. Man, yeah, we'll have a special club. My song, my next song, I just this is, this is a dance jam. This is a personal jam. This is a personal banger for me. I'm coming out from Diana Ross's eponymous 1980 album. Diana i

The song actually peaked on the charts in november of 1980 but it was still the 98th biggest selling song of 1981 and that's when I remember it from second semester of seventh grade in general music with MS gibe. Ms gibe was very aware that she needed to pay attention to popular music so she wouldn't lose our attention, because general music was for the losers who weren't in band or orchestra. Nobody wanted to be there. And she knew that, so she had to be tricky. And so I got to study the songs from Diana for an actual homework assignment, like a book report. It was an album report. I love that to her credit. Way to go Miss guy. So Niall Rogers and Bernard Edwards from the band Sheik, wrote this song and produced it. And Niall Rogers said that he got the idea when he went to a gay club in New York City, he went into the bathroom, and while he was standing at the urinal, he saw three men dressed in drag as Diana Ross and it was like light bulb. He started to understand that she had a cult following in the gay community, and he wanted to harness that. So this song is very purposefully and overtly written to celebrate coming out of the closet and being openly gay as a junior high kid. I did not have this language. It just, I just thought that it was Diana Ross and her arrival on the scene, right? It was an uplifting anthem. I pictured her coming out on the stage and just owning it, and that's how the song made me feel. This was my walk out music. It was a personally powerful anthem, but I had no idea exactly how powerful it actually was. Niall Rogers also said that a DJ, a very famous DJ, warned Diana Ross he said, Do not release this song. This will ruin your career, because he said that people would think that she was coming out, that she was gay, and Niall Roger said it's the only time that he's ever lied to an artist because he's like, no, no, you're fine. That's not what it means. You're okay. Oh, um, and, and then he just crossed his fingers, right? Um, what he had actually written it because of her gay following, but she, he said that it would be, it should be her coming out song, like to start her gigs. And it, that's exactly what it turned into. It still to this day, is the song. It is her walk out music. It is her coming out onto the stage music. And if you think about it, it's pretty shocking that it didn't become more controversial at the time. It is overt, I'm coming out. But you know, as far as I knew, it wasn't controversial at all. No, no.

Carolyn Cochrane 39:14

And I think for that exact reason of her using it as her entry song, I actually saw her in 1983 my friend and I've shared we had this Diana Ross obsession. She was playing a casino in Atlantic City, and our dads gave this gift to us to go to the concert for graduation presents. So they drove us down there. They hung out in the casino, and she and I went. It was, you know, one of those where we sat in like a booth, yeah, it was a much smaller venue and, and that's exactly what she did. She's not on the stage, and the lights go down, and she kind of, you know, how she almost speaks it like and then she does and it's just the way she use it. So I think from. Get go. That's how she used it, too, in her performances. So it didn't really it just, at least for me, and I think most people just signaled she's coming out on the stage, she's presenting herself, oh my gosh. And she's so great in concert. And she came, I think I told you guys this story, but she, you know, comes out into the audience and walks around, and she was with us, right near us for reach out and touch somebody's hand, and yes, and one of her fingernails went flying off, like under our table. I don't know where it went, but, yeah, it was, it

Michelle Newman 40:32

would have fallen in my soup, framed it. I think I told you guys I was going to go. She was here at Red Rocks just this past June. And, I mean, she I was like, This is my last chance to see Diana Ross and I pulled up her set list. It was amazing. And it was just one of those. I was like, I'm gonna wait and just get general admission tickets. And every so often they have concerts at Red Rocks where they don't do general admission. So the entire Red Rocks, which holds, you know, 1000s of people, was ticketed, and they were so expensive. Okay, my last category and my last song is my category is Michelle's emerging music taste slash personality, because I was really starting, like I said earlier, to find my groove in songs. It wasn't all my old Donnie Osmond records. I mean, for God's sakes, in fifth grade, my friend Lisa and I sat and listened to Scott Baio album for hours on end. So Thank God my music taste was right. And I, like I said, earlier too, since in the songs episode 136, songs that made us Junior High edition, I was able to pick songs. And I already picked rock this town by the stray cats and our lips are sealed by the Go Go's, which totally is, was my emerging music taste and personality. So today I'm picking the tide is high by blondie.

Tight. And this is more end of 81 for me, middle school dances. But I'm very singable. We knew all the lyrics. But again, you guys, this is romantic. Michelle, also, it's like I already knew I was going to be the unseen one. I really didn't know it, but the lyrics to the song, this was hugely foretelling to what was going to happen to me in junior and senior year of high school. The whole every girl wants you to be her man, but I'll wait, my dear, till it's my turn. I'm not the kind of group, sorry, who gives up. Oh no, and so that those lyrics like I felt them already. It's like I already knew that that was going to be my story. It was. But like, and also just like, with endless love. I mean, I could really pour myself into singing this song in front of my mirror, and I also remember. I feel, I feel like I remember. So this is more of a feeling than a memory, but middle school dances, I feel like I'm hearing this song at middle school dances. But I know Lisa and I loved this song, and we sing this a lot. So yeah, that's my that's my third choice.

Carolyn Cochrane 43:22

Well, my third choice. I picked morning train by Sheena Easton.

This song represents any of those fun, peppy, Boppy songs, and we talked about a lot of those last week in our episode. But this is when I'm driving. I got my driver's license the fall of 1981 so all of a sudden I have a little autonomy over what I'm listening to, and I can change the stations, and I can sing really loud, because I I'm not a good singer, and so I wasn't going to be doing that at home, because my dad would at home, because my dad would come in and say, so I could, I could, you know, I could Bop, I could sing. They were happy. I was happy. I had this new freedom. And so any, really, any of those Sheena Easton happy songs would would be included, The Tide Is High would be another example. I'm coming out. I mean, all of those that that are kind of fun would be me just driving along, thinking this, this is it. I mean, I've got, I'm driving. I mean, what's next? Yeah,

Michelle Newman 44:31

exactly. Look out world. That's

Kristin Nilsen 44:33

exactly right. I have changed my tune. I used to, I used to feel that it was very important that a kid would buy their own first car. I was not in favor of people buying cars for their children. And most people can't buy cars for their children, right? And so I just thought it was an important part of being an adult, you know, saving money and buying your own car. But I've changed my tune on that kind of because of what you just said, Carolyn, particularly for girls, because I. I feel like the my version of your boyfriend. I feel so much of that my attachment to him was the fact that he was my escape from the house. He was my transportation. I didn't have access to my own transportation. And when you're coming of age, you are, for the first time, wanting to fly the coop, and you need a way to do that. You need a vehicle. You can't, and if you don't, then they're going to depend on other people, and they may not be the people that you want them depending on, that's right?

Carolyn Cochrane 45:30

And I did not have my own car, but we did have two cars in my house, and so I would be belting out the song in a like dark green Buick la saber, like nothing at all about it or whatever. But man, was I having fun singing? That's where I could pretend. No, this really is a cool, you know, convertible or whatever. But no, the car that

Kristin Nilsen 45:56

I had access to was a, was a white Chevy caprice classic wagon, and that was not, oh yeah, the station wagon, and it was just such an injustice for me that I had, and it's not like my friends had nice cars. You know, Shannon had the bomb and Jackie had the Batmobile. Everybody had shitty cars, but for some reason, driving around a station wagon just felt like a slap in the face to me, like, what if somebody sees me?

Michelle Newman 46:24

I had to drive in high school, I had to drive. This is so weird to that my mom, because it was just me and my mom, that my mom had this car. I had a driver, a silver Plymouth Voyager. It was a minivan.

Kristin Nilsen 46:37

Come from we're talking

Michelle Newman 46:42

like. 1986 87

Unknown Speaker 46:46

look it up, generation,

Kristin Nilsen 46:48

yeah, yeah, you're right. You're right. I

Michelle Newman 46:50

didn't get a car until I was a, oh my gosh, was I a junior in college? Probably, and I had to, because I was student teaching. Yeah,

Kristin Nilsen 46:59

I didn't get a car until I needed transportation for a job, which was after I got

Carolyn Cochrane 47:03

our family well, my dad's car, because my mom never really learned how to drive it, because it was a stick, and so it was a Mercury Capri, and he said, You can have this if you learn how to drive it. And my high school or my college roommate came one summer for a while, and she taught me how to drive, yeah, wow. And I got that car? Yep, yeah. My sister

Michelle Newman 47:22

had a wife, a little Volkswagen Rabbit. It was so old, it was supposed to be ours to share, but she didn't live at home or anything. But I had to learn how to drive that stick. And I just remember me and Melanie, like in the streets of Scottsdale, Arizona, like late at night, her trying to and I'm just stalling, stalling, Stallings

Carolyn Cochrane 47:39

we learned in places like Arizona and Texas, where it's mostly flat

Michelle Newman 47:45

Hill worst when you have to stop on a hill like,

Carolyn Cochrane 47:49

welcome to

Kristin Nilsen 47:53

my world. Oh my gosh.

Michelle Newman 47:56

Listen, I haven't driven a stick in years, but I know I could do it. I can drive a stick easy, literally. I

Carolyn Cochrane 48:04

dream about it sometimes that

Kristin Nilsen 48:06

really I miss it. I miss it. I really do miss they still make them, yeah, but you have to special order. I have a friend who special orders her her stick shift.

Carolyn Cochrane 48:16

Wow. Why would she want to have one? I mean, like, well, it's

Kristin Nilsen 48:18

literally, it's actually her husband, who is the one who's a stickler for the stick shift, and I learned he's a stickler for the stick shift. I think he enjoys it, and I think it's a point of pride, right? Wanting to preserve something, and then if you know, if he doesn't do it, nobody's going to do it, and then they're going to go away. Yeah, wow, good for him. Okay, my last song is one that we talked a lot about yesterday, but it's worth. It's worth revisit week is when it's and it was actually today, it was actually an hour ago.

Michelle Newman 48:50

Is one everybody forgets you heard that. Forget You heard that.

Kristin Nilsen 48:53

Is when we revisited last week. But it is, it is worth coming back to too much time on my hands by six this song was popular in the summer after seventh grade, and it graces a very mundane but obviously memorable moment of my summer. I was at church camp and feeling extremely uncool. So uncool I had just introduced myself to my cabin mates as an introvert, we had to go around the circle and introduce ourselves and share, and you know, an interesting fact about ourselves, and I told them that I was an introvert, which they thought was a disease of some kind. They didn't, which is that, so it gets worse, so then I have to define it for him, which then makes me even less cool, because now I'm the smarty pants. I'm like the vocab nerd, right? I was the girl who used big words, so

Michelle Newman 49:49

also describing it as such, like, I like to be by myself.

Unknown Speaker 49:54

I like to

Carolyn Cochrane 49:57

work how we luck out and get her in our. Yeah,

Kristin Nilsen 50:02

I was, I was owning my shtick, but it wasn't taking on the cache that I thought it would. And then, as I'm sitting alone

Speaker 2 50:10

by the camera, strapped to this I'm strapped to a canoe in the middle of the lake at 2am

Kristin Nilsen 50:15

alone by myself, I see one of the cool girls walk by with her pod, her little pod of friends, right? And she goes just as she's walking very casually. She goes too much time of mine, and it was a moment of clarity for me. This is why she's one of the cool girls. She can just roll that out completely unencumbered by worry about whether or not she looks dumb she can pull that off. And so then I was like, okay, all right, I'm gonna start doing this on a very like, a much smaller scale. I would just throw it out as I walked across camp like,

Michelle Newman 50:58

I'm so sorry that I've laughed. All I'm picturing is, like, a little darlings type movie. And like, now as adults watching it, we would watch that cool girl do that and just cringe for her, like, oh God, we see what she was doing. And then we would see the little Kristen thinking that I'm gonna do it now too, and I just want to hug you.

Kristin Nilsen 51:17

I know I was I was just, I was learning. I mean, the truth is, it's possible I was doing it silently and almost invisibly. I thought it was big, but it could have been that I was so worried that I couldn't quite do it audibly, but

Carolyn Cochrane 51:35

I could just see you going around like, kind of like talking to yourself. You

Michelle Newman 51:41

guys can't see it. Ladies, let's not forget, this is not a visual. Let me just explain now to the listeners, they're both kind of making a little cringe face and like shrugging their shoulders, like as they walk, like whispering. But

Kristin Nilsen 51:56

I was so I was so envious of her freedom, because I I had that in me, right? I did that in my bedroom. I was loud in my bedroom. My body was loud in my bedroom, but out in front of people, everybody's eyes just paralyzed me, right? And and everybody's eyes were not paralyzing her for some reason. So I was like, I'm gonna own this too. And instead of owning the introvert thing, why don't I own this so? And it did it work, kind of like I will say, it was a stepping stone to me becoming louder. It was not, it was not a failure, but it was a learning moment for me. So just a month later, in August of 1981 MTV went on the air, and too much time on my hands got a whole new surge of popularity, because the video for the song went into heavy rotation after it peaked on the charts. It peaked on the charts before MTV came on because too much time on my hands was one of the only videos that MTV had from an American band. It was all they had. And like we talked about last week, Michelle, like, laid out the video for us in all of its mundane ridiculousness, with watches and every

Michelle Newman 53:10

fabulous watches, wearing the girls wearing leotards, but then with jeans, so the top is just a spandex tight with your

Kristin Nilsen 53:17

damn skin. It's your dance skin, yeah. And so it was all they had from an American band. So that got heavy rotation, no matter how good or bad it was. And the song even got more popular. And then it was revived again in 2016 after Jimmy Fallon heard the song on the radio and just got super excited and called his friend, Paul Rudd and asked him to film a recreation of that video, a shot by shot reenactment of this video that Michelle described for us last week. So Jimmy Fallon and Paul Rudd's version of too much time on my hands, aired on April 29 2016 and people went nutty, and to date, it is still one of the funniest things I have ever seen, the earnestness, the earnestness with which these, they portrayed, these like long haired do

Michelle Newman 54:09

they have the guy selling the watches with? Yes, they do. Literally.

Kristin Nilsen 54:13

They literally reenact the whole video. Put that

Carolyn Cochrane 54:16

in. Let's do it, and I'm gonna go find it as soon as we are done here, it's so funny,

Kristin Nilsen 54:23

because I love Paul. Okay, you guys, I'm sure. So you picked your three songs, but you have runners up, right? Were there some that you wanted to talk about? But there's just no time? Yeah,

Michelle Newman 54:32

I'll just, let's just, I'll just kind of run down the list I and we. And I did actually mention last week how much I love nine to five, just so singable. And so that was on my list, hit me with your best shot. Was on my list just pat benatur Just oozed coolness, but also so singable for us in sixth grade, like at recess, as we're playing Foursquare, we can sing it, you guys, you might be shocked that the next two that I picked the stroke by Billy Squier, because I love it. I love it so and you felt, and I still love that song, but that for sure, well, and then here's the reason it's on is because that almost made it into my top three because it was middle school dance. But also you're realizing, or you're hearing from other people what what this means, and you're like, Oh my God, that we feel so naughty, because I'm only in sixth grade. So like I said at the very beginning, you can't be starting to evolve in what we you know, what we know, what things used to go over our heads. And then my last one, I picked another one bites the dust, because something about this song always takes me back to that time, and I'm certain it was played, you know, dances, TV, sports events, like, if you had football games on, I don't know that just became an anthem, didn't it? In 1981 and 82 for so many different things, I love, love, love that song. And I will say that I was surprised about five years ago when I realized it was Queen. I in my head, always thought it was someone like AC DC or, Oh yeah,

Carolyn Cochrane 56:06

I think, I mean, it probably wasn't. It was as an adult that I did come to that realization as well. It just didn't go along with, I thought of Queen, you know that Queen saying, for some reason, okay, well, everyone do not fear because Carolyn,

Unknown Speaker 56:22

okay, yes, sir. Alternate, yes,

Carolyn Cochrane 56:26

I made it through the rain from our friend Barry Manilow, okay, you can only imagine, you know, when I'm feeling sorry for myself and all of that, that song can really hit the spot. So, yeah, another one that gives me some feelings when I hear it. Keep on loving you by REO Speedwagon. This is when REO Speedwagon,

I picked just the two of us, but it really impacted me the following year, because it was my prom theme the spring of my junior year, and then a song that will forever touch me. And I see a whole movie play in my head. I've talked about it before, so I won't give it a lot of time, except to say that it's same old lang syne by Dan Fogelberg. The

Unknown Speaker 57:19

snow was

Michelle Newman 57:32

I love that song. You know what? Carolyn, I feel like you mentioned that early in season, song, songs

Unknown Speaker 57:37

that make us cry. Yeah, yes,

Carolyn Cochrane 57:39

I because I did a deep dive on the history of the song. And I love that song.

Kristin Nilsen 57:44

I do too. It's such a pretty song. Okay? I'm going to try and be brief, because, of course, I have way too much to say. I always have too much to say. And so here's my runners up list. The first one I put on my list is because I brought it up once, and neither one of you had ever heard of it, but it was a number one. Oh, I know. I know that people are going to get hoosker dude so hard. My first runner up is stars on 45 by stars on 45

it's a medley of mostly Beatles songs, but not exclusively, which is really weird, all recorded again over a disco beat, just like hooked on classics, like we talked about last week in the Grammy episode. It was weird and long and awkward, and it's this. It was a phenomenon in the halls of Fred Moore junior high. It was everywhere. It almost felt like, like it was a it was a science experiment, like a Frankenstein song or something. It was cobbled together by producers, not by an actual band. They that's why this song was called stars on 45 by stars on 45 but the actual title of stars on 45 is, it's all the names of the songs in the medley for legal reasons. So the title is, and this is printed on the 45 of stars on 45 by stars on 45 intro, Venus, Sugar. Sugar, no reply. I'll be back. Drive my car. Do you want to know a secret? We can work it out. I should have known better. You're going to lose that girl. Stars on 45 that's the title. It's 41 words. It's the longest title of any single to make the hot 100 Wow. So my next one is the first song, the first number one song, the first hit song that featured rapping. Do you know what that is? No no rapture by blondie. Oh, yes. Oh, my God, of course, yes. Rapper's Delight did crack the top 100 but in 1979 But Debbie Harry took rap all the way to the number one spot. She's a white lady, and the lyrics were completely nonsensical, but it is historic nonetheless, with men from Mars eating cars, and they shoot hard, and then he eats your head, and then, and then you're in the man from Mars, and you go out at night and there's something cars. You eat Cadillacs and Lincoln's two women. Don't stop you. Keep on eating cars. And there's and there is this little nasty part that that sounds like something else. But when it's printed, it always says, finger popping. But when you listen to it, it sounds like something else. Oh, God, I love that song so much. And I just love the image of like Debbie Harry, like skipping through the alley and all the people following. She's talking about the eating cars and the mercury, then Subaru,

Speaker 4 1:00:30

and you don't stop, you keep on eating cars. Then when there's no more cars, you go out at night and eat

Kristin Nilsen 1:00:38

on this wall. I love it. It's so weird. Burn Rubber on me by the Gap Band. The first time I heard the song burn rubber on me was at a dance competition, and it involved 12 year old girls in sequined motorcycle gear doing a lot of pantomiming, of rooming their motorcycles, their invisible motorcycles. But no matter, because I was hooked, I love that song, and it's still one of my favorite songs of all time. Do you guys remember suddenly by Newton, John cliff, Richard, yes.

Carolyn Cochrane 1:01:12

You know what? I also remember Andy Gibbs saying it on solid gold, yes. Was it with her, or

Kristin Nilsen 1:01:18

was it with Maria? Oh, was it with I think it with I think it

Speaker 2 1:01:22

was with Marie. I think it was with Marie. Two of

Kristin Nilsen 1:01:25

them together. That's a little endless. Lovey for me. I really love it. You said the stroke by Billy squire, double dutch bus, the double dutch bus, double dutch bus, coming

Speaker 5 1:01:38

down the street. Get and my

Kristin Nilsen 1:01:49

last one is, it's a

Unknown Speaker 1:01:52

love thing.

Kristin Nilsen 1:01:56

By the whispers, this is one of those songs that I would dance to in my room, like, with jumps and everything. Like, it's, I'm not just boogieing. I'm like, doing choreo, yeah, in my room by myself. 40

Michelle Newman 1:02:06

turns. Okay, the one that I found on some list, and I just checked, it's not on Billboard. Hot, 100 which is shocking. What is the song? And I'm not going to say the right time, something like, forget about it's like a

Kristin Nilsen 1:02:20

your face.

Michelle Newman 1:02:22

That was 1981 was it? It was on one of my Okay, now I'm gonna look at it. Yes, it was on one of the

Kristin Nilsen 1:02:28

news that came out. Why something, something, something is not so bad. Here

Michelle Newman 1:02:32

it is, shut up you face. Song by Joe Dolce, 1981 it was released, and it was in one of the top song list. And I was like, oh, Kristen's picking that. I didn't

Kristin Nilsen 1:02:41

even see that. Shut up in your face. Shut up on your face. Shut up in your face. So funny. Oh, my God, once again, you guys, thank you for coming to therapy with us. Music therapy. This is our little music therapy episode. I always feel better after sharing these episodes, like I've purged my demons and I've found solace among other scarred, formerly pubescent Gen Xers, and pairing it with music just proves what a big role that it played in our lives, both as a soundtrack and as a bomb, and listening to those songs now can help us go back in time and heal those little Polly walks. Right? Isn't that what our therapists say, like, talk to your inner child and say you're good, that's all over, that's not now, and you're okay.

Michelle Newman 1:03:25

But Kristin, also, I'm just gonna pop in in the middle of this, but when you were saying that girl was walking around, seemingly the cool girl to you, but I bet a lot of I bet she didn't, you know, you never know what's going on in so much, but she's walking around and just presenting this music, lyric from a really cool song to her that was healing something, or that's that was filling in a hole somehow for her. And look then what it did to you. You gained confidence just by walking around going, even if you were kind of going

Unknown Speaker 1:04:00

too much time

Michelle Newman 1:04:03

it was, it was therapizing you, and I use that. I use that word very Yeah, on purpose, because in my, in my lexicon, that's a word I use therapizing. But it was, it was giving you a tool, and it was giving her a tool, and very different ones, well, or the very same one, yeah, but just like music, like music does so much, and that's why that is a whole major, like major like my my college roommates that should be daughter study is is about to graduate. She is going to she is in music therapy, and in right now, like the practicums and stuff, she's going to hospitals, and she's using music as therapy. And I know some of our listeners and some of our patrons are in that is their field. You know music as therapies. And I love the way that

Kristin Nilsen 1:04:46

you say that, like there were this song was affecting two people at the same moment in time who were not related, right? We were not we. It was like, Pat. It's a game of pass it on, pass it on. Yeah, pass on the healing. Yeah. Thanks to everyone from our generation for being pubescent with us, and thanks to you the listeners, for being here with us today. Big hugs, and we will see you next time. And

Michelle Newman 1:05:08

as we always do, at the end of our episodes, we are giving a special thank you to our Patreon members who take their support of our podcast and all the things we do with the pop culture Preservation Society to the next level with their monthly donations. Today, we're giving a special shout out to patrons, Sharon, Cindy, Diane, Colette Kelly, Sharon Gosh, Sharon and Amy and all these names that we see on repeat right, Susan, Barbara, Elaine and our friend Helene. And if you'd like to take your support to the next level and check out our all the perks that our patrons get as a thank you. You can just go to patreon.com P, A, T, R, E, O n.com, and type in pop culture Preservation Society up in the little search box. And you can just explore our page and see the different levels and things you get, yeah, and you

Carolyn Cochrane 1:06:01

can also support us by sharing the podcast with friends, sharing it on social media, and also rating and reviewing wherever you listened to the pop culture Preservation Society. It really helps us out, and we really appreciate it.

Kristin Nilsen 1:06:14

In the meantime, let's raise our glasses for a toast courtesy of the cast of Threes Company, two good times, two

Speaker 2 1:06:22

Happy Days, Two Little House on the Prairie. Cheers. Cheers. The information,

Kristin Nilsen 1:06:27

opinions and comments expressed on the pop culture Preservation Society podcast belong solely to Carolyn the crushologist and hello Newman, and are in no way representative of our employers or affiliates. And though we truly believe we're always right, there's always a first time the PCPs is written, produced and recorded in Minneapolis, Minnesota, home of the fictional wjm studios and our beloved Mary Richards, Nanu. Nanu, keep on trucking and May the Force Be With You. You.


Back In 2 and 2: It’s Love Connection


On Your FM Dial: 1981 - The Grammys